
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Krause

Institute of Radiooncology - OncoRay
Phone: +49 351 458 2095

Prof. Dr. Nils Cordes

Head Radiobiology
Phone: +49 351 4587401

Prof. Dr. Esther Gera Cornelia Troost

Head Image-guided Radiooncology
Phone: +49 351 458 2394

Prof. Dr. Christian Richter

Head Medical Radiation Physics
Group lea­der High Precision Proton Therapy





Weitere Informationen

Patients and physicians may contact the University Proton Therapy Dresden hotline at 0351 458 15693 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 11am and 1pm to 3pm) or via via e-mail:



Translational Radiooncology and Clinical Radiotherapy, Professor Mechthild Krause Comparison Proton- and Photon-Therapy

  • Research into combination therapies, e.g. radiotherapy and targeted drugs (pre-clinical and clinical) as well as external radiation and internal treatment with radioactive-labeled medication (together with the Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research)
  • Research into biomarkers with the help of which it is possible to predict the success of radiation treatment and tailor the therapy to the individual patient
  • Comparative studies of the effectiveness of classic radiotherapy using photons with proton therapy
  • In-vivo experiments on combined therapies and biological personalization using innovative imaging methods
  • Development of statistical models to predict the success of radiation therapy

Figure: Comparison of proton therapy with classic radiotherapy using ultra hard x-ray beams (photons); comparably good irradiation of the brain tumor (red and yellow areas), less impact on the surrounding healthy tissue with proton therapy @Baumann et al., Nature Review Cancer 16:234, 2016

Radiobiology, Professor Nils Cordes Radiobiologie: Tumor cells

  • Investigation of target molecules that are responsible for radioresistance in tumor cells and development of strategies to inhibit these molecules
  • Research into biomarkers for cancer stem cells to predict the success of radiotherapy and be able to offer patients personalized therapy
  • Investigation of the micro environment in tumor tissue as well as potential regulatory intervention to reduce resistance to therapies

Figure: Left: Survival of tumor cells in 3D matrix after combined treatment with radiation and molecular drugs. Right: immunofluorescence of integrins in tumor cells; transcriptome and proteome analyses in tumor cells after treatment.

Medical Radiation Physics, Professor Christian RichterSlit camera

  • Technological optimization of proton therapy, including laser-accelerated particle therapy together with the Institute of Radiatio Physics (division of Laser Particle Acceleration), and the use of modern imaging techniques for therapy planning and monitoring
  • Modelling of treatment effects for the personalized selection of patients for particle therapy and differing beam quality
  • Precision measurement of the proton beam range in a patient during treatment
  • Image-guided, high-precision radiation technology for experimental radiotherapy using a small animal model

Figure: Initial measurement of the proton beam range with a prompt gamma camera during patient treatment.

Image Guided High Precision Radiotherapy, Professor Esther Troost PET-MRT

  • Investigation of three- and four-dimensional imaging techniques for high-precision radiotherapy in moving tumors
  • Research into methods of compensating movement in moving tumors (radiation while holding breath, use of an abdominal corset)
  • Development of methods to predict the occurrence and extent of the finest tumor extensions and research into new dosage strategies based on these methods
  • Use of MRI for the objective representation of normal tissue damage

Combined PET-MRI full-body scanner at Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital Dresden: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) are two different imaging techniques which allow anatomical, structural and metabolic changes in the tissue under observation to be visualized. @NCT Dresden/Philip Benjamin