News of December 21, 2020
A peaceful holiday season
We wish all colleagues, as well as all collaboration partners and research friends relaxing holidays and a positive start into the New Year 2021.
From December 24, 2020 to January 4, 2021, HZDR is closed for the holidays. In addition, many employees will work in the mobile office in the days before Christmas as well as in the first week of January.
Research highlight Matter
Exploring fundamental questions of solid state physics, can feel just like opening a Christmas present – you cannot be sure, what you will find. By combining extreme experimental conditions, for example, an international team led by HZDR physicists revealed insights into the mysterious conducting properties of the crystalline metal CeRhIn5, which can act as a superconductor. With its unique setting HZDR’s High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) offers perfect conditions for such excursions into the smallest dimensions.
Further information: www.hzdr/presse/extremes