Dresden Days on Magnetocalorics
Frauenkirche Dresden
DDMC 2023 - November 13-14, 2023
With this workshop we will continue the series of Delft and Danish Days on Magnetocalorics. In addition to recent breakthroughs on magnetocaloric materials and devices, this workshop will cover related caloric effects, together with their counterparts for harvesting low grade waste heat.
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, building 106, lecture hall (room 255)
- Materials
Experimental tools
Demonstrators & Prototypes
Schedule of scientific sessions:
- Monday November 13th, 9.00 - 18.00
Tuesday November 14th, 9.00 - 18.00
Invited speakers:
- Francesca Casoli, IMEM – CNR, Parma, Italy
- Maximilian Fries, MagnoTherm Solutions, Germany
- Oliver Gutfleisch, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
- Heike Herper, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Andrej Kitanovski, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Jia Yan Law, University of Seville, Spain
- Lluís Mañosa, University of Barcelona, Catalonia
- Yaroslav Mudryk, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, USA
Abstract submission:
Abstract submission is now open till August 31st. Please use this link to upload your contribution.
If you face any problems, please send a request to ddmc_2023@hzdr.de
Conference fees:
We organize the conference without charging a participation fee. Bus transfer between hotel and venue will be organized, and lunch is available at venue.
The registration for the conference is possible until September 30th via this link.
Accommodation costs are to be paid by each participant. A limited number of rooms is available for participants at Penck Hotel Dresden for 78 Euros/night for a single room and 93 Euros/night for a double room. Please book your rooms until September 30th directly via email to the hotel using the promotion code DDMC 2023.
This event is kindly supported by:
DDMC 2023 is organized by Sebastian Fähler and Tino Gottschall from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.