News of September 7, 2023
Fundamental research for endoradiotherapy
A short video from the HZDR explains how irradiation works from the inside
When neither chemotherapy nor an operation nor external irradiation help to beat cancer, medicine may apply radiolabeled substances. The HZDR Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research investigates and develops radionuclide therapeutics for better diagnostics and highly effective treatment for cancer.
© HZDR/significant // Link to the video on the HZDR website
The starting point for new radioactive drugs for molecular endoradiotherapy are special radionuclides. A carrier molecule transports the radionuclide directly to the tumor, where it decays. The released radiation causes the tumor cells to die. If a tumor has already formed metastases a radioactive preparation can also detect these malignant cells scattered in the body and irradiate them from the inside.
Further information:
Dr. Christine Zimmermann
Communications and Media Relations at HZDR
Phone: +49 351 260 2450 I Email: