Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

2 Publications

Depth-filtration model for compressible fibrous cakes

Grahn, A.; Kryk, H.; Kästner, W.; Alt, S.; Kratzsch, A.


Flow through fibrous materials is encountered in a number of industrial applications, such as paper making, air and liquid filtration or manufacture of composite materials. Particle retention and pressure drop in beds of fibrous materials are difficult to predict because such beds easily compact under the action of fluid drag forces and thus exhibit significant variations of hydraulic and filtration properties along the flow direction and with time. This study proposes a semi-empirical model to calculate the time dependent clogging of compressible fibrous cakes due to the capturing of suspended particles as they pass through the cake. An experimental and a data evaluation procedure are suggested for determining the empirical parameters of the model equations.

Keywords: depth filtration; pressure drop; compressible fibre cake
