Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Low-energy enhancement of magnetic dipole radiation

Schwengner, R.; Frauendorf, S.; Larsen, A. C.


Magnetic dipole strength functions have been deduced from averages of a large number of M1 transition strengths calculated within the shell model for the nuclides 94Mo, 95Mo, and 90Zr. An enhancement of M1 strength toward low transition energy has been found for all nuclides considered. Large M1 strengths appear for transitions between close-lying states with configurations including proton as well as neutron high-j orbits that re-couple their spins and add up their magnetic moments coherently. The M1 strength function deduced from the calculated M1 transition strengths is compatible with the low-energy enhancement found in (3He,3He') and (d,p) experiments. The present work presents for the first time an explanation of the experimental findings.

Keywords: Magnetic dipole radiation; gamma-ray strength functions; shell model
