Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Towards a novel THz-based monitor for sub picosecond electron bunches working at MHz repetition rates and low bunch charges

Gensch, M.; Green, B.; Kovalev, S.; Kuntzsch, M.; Golz, T.; Stojanovic, N.; Fisher, A.


The control and measurement of electron bunch properties at the femtosecond (fs) level has become an important field in modern accelerator physics, in particular since these became crucial parameters for the operation of 4th Generation X-ray Light-sources. In order to operate modern-day photon factories such as LCLS and the future European X-FEL reliably, a number of novel approaches have been developed that allow the noninvasive measurement of electron bunch form and arrival time. Some of those are based on the electro-optic detection of the coulomb field of the electron bunches in the electron beamline; some detect the super-radiant THz pulses from the electron bunch. However, none of these concepts allows for pulse-to-pulse detection on a quasi-CW accelerator operating at the MHz repetition rates planned for the next generation of X-ray free electron lasers. In this contribution we present first results from a new monitor concept, based on the single-shot electro-optic detection of super-radiant THz pulses, that has the potential to operate at MHz repetition rates.

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