Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Angular dependent ferromagnetic resonance analysis in a single micron sized cobalt stripe

Schoeppner, C.; Wagner, K.; Stienen, S.; Meckenstock, R.; Farle, M.; Narkowicz, R.; Suter, D.; Lindner, J.


We demonstrate how planar microresonators (PMRs) can be utilized to investigate the angular dependent magnetic resonance response of single magnetic nanostructures. In contrast to alternative detection schemes like electrical or optical detection, the PMR approach provides a classical means of investigating the high frequency dynamics of single magnetic entities, enabling the use of well-established analysis methods of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy. To demonstrate the performance of the PMR-based FMR setup for angular dependent measurements, we investigate the microwave excited magnons in a single Co stripe of 5x1x0.02 µm^3 and compare the results to micromagnetic simulations. The evolution of excited magnons under rotation of one individual stripe with respect to a static magnetic field is investigated. Besides quasi uniform excitations, we observe magneto-static as well as localized excitations. We find a strong influence of inhomogeneous dynamic and static demagnetizing fields for all modes.
