Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Non-Thermal Induction of Conforamtional Rearrangment in Proteins by Far-Infrared Excitation

Lörincz, I. Z.; Schay, G.; Rauscher, A. A.; Kellermayer, M. S. Z.; Gensch, M.; Malnasi-Csizmadia, A.


How does a protein respond to infrared excitation? Our aim was to induce a specific non-thermal conformational change of a protein by infrared laser excitation. The fluorescence intensity of an intrinsically fluorescent protein, LSS-mOrange was monitored upon irradiation with a free electron laser at two of its IR absorption peaks (11.36/9.56 microns) and at a wavelength (9.06 microns) where the protein has no absorption. The irradiation at the absorption peaks caused a reversible fluorescence intensity increase on the sec-min timescale.

Involved research facilities

  • High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)


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