Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Simulation of an MSLB scenario using the 3D neutron kinetic core model Dyn3D coupled with the CFD software Trio U

Grahn, A.; Gommlich, A.; Kliem, S.; Bilodid, Y.; Kozmenkov, Y.


In the framework of the European project NURESAFE, the reactor dynamics code DYN3D, developed at HZDR, was coupled with the CFD solver Trio_U, developed at CEA France, in order to replace DYN3D’s one-dimensional hydraulic part with a full three-dimensional description of the coolant flow in the reactor core at higher spatial resolution. The present document gives an introduction into the coupling method and shows results of its application to the simulation of an MSLB accident of a PWR.

Keywords: reactor safety; code coupling; thermal hydraulics; computational fluid dynamics; reactor dynamics

