Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Quantum Interference Controlled Current in InSb Injected by intense Terahertz Radiation

Bühler, J.; Schmidt, C.; Fischer, J.; Leitenstorfer, A.; Schneider, H.; Helm, M.; Pashkin, A.; Seletskiy, D. V.


Quantum interference between one- and two-photon absorption pathways is exploited for all-optical injection of charge current in InSb at 10 K. Polar-asymmetric excitation is synthesized by superposing intense output from a free electron laser centered at 31 THz with the phase-locked second harmonic. The relative phase between the two frequency components controls the directionality of the injected current. This demonstration motivates applications of intense synthetic pulses for resonant excitation, control and probing of various low-energy and correlated degrees of freedom.

Keywords: free-electron laser; optical current injection; coherent control

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