Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

From Landau-Ginzburg to PTQM: a few structural remarks

Günther, U.


The historical and structural origin of PT symmetric ix3 quantum models is briefly sketched. Open questions are discussed and related possible lines for future research are suggested.

Starting from the Yang-Lee result on the distribution of complex zeros of the partition function for the 2D Ising model the structure and origin of the so called Yang-Lee edge singularities is discussed. The close structural relation to complex extended criticality in the Landau-Ginzburg model of 2nd-order phase transitions is shown and Fisher's result is recalled on the field theoretical infra-red (IR) limit of the fluctuating fields as an effective quantum field theory (QFT) with ix3 coupling. Based on this specific phase-transition related conceptual background of the ix3 model recent operator-theoretic findings and still open puzzles of the corresponding quantum mechanical toy model approximations are interpreted as having their origin in such still operator-theoretically unexplored phase-transition related model peculiarities. Possible strategies for future research are briefly sketched to fill corresponding mathematical and technical gaps.

Keywords: PT quantum systems; 2D Ising model; Yang-Lee edge singularities; IR-limit; Landau-Ginzburg theory of phase transitions; operator theory

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XIII, 06.-09.06.2016, Prague, Czech Republic
