Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Pulse-Resolved Data Acquisition at High Repetition Rates: Getting the Most Out of Modern Light Sources

Green, B.; Kovalev, S.; Golz, T.; Stojanovic, N.; Kampfrath, T.; Fisher, A. S.; Gensch, M.


Sub cycle dynamics on THz driven Phenomena are an emerging class of experiments in ultra-fast science. Hence THz pump laser probe experiments are an essential class of experiments at the new TELBE THz facility. Even the most modern accelerators can be synchonised only down to 80 fs (peak to peak) by active feedbacks [1]. For that reason a unique high-rep-rate arrivaltime monitoring has been developed at TELBE that provides timing down to (in theory) 12 fs by post-mortem arrivaltime-jitter correction.

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