Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Methyl selenol as precursor in selenite reduction to Se/S species by methane-oxidizing bacteria

Eswayaha, A. S.; Hondow, N.; Scheinost, A. C.; Merroun, M.; Romero-Gonzalez, M.; Smith, T. J.; Gardiner, P. H. E.


In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that in the reduction of selenite by Mc. capsulatus (Bath), a methane oxidizing bacterium, methyl selenol is the precursor for the formation of methylated selenium-containing and mixed chalcogenides species. Subsequent exchange reactions between the species result in the formation of the amorphous allotropic form of selenium, which is cyclic Se8 with sulfur in its structure.

Keywords: selenol; methane reducing bacteria; Mc. capsulatus; XPS; XAFS; FTIR; TEM; Raman; Selenium

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