Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

HPC as a Tool for Better Science

Huebl, A.; Juckeland, G.


While High Performance Computing (HPC) has been around for decades, it has been largely seen as a small niche for very limited scientific challenges. The cloud computing revolution had the wonderful side effect that everybody can now easily accept that certain tasks are transparently performed elsewhere. Web-based user interfaces enable an application interaction regardless of the actual location of the computation. As such more and more HPC centers offer web-portals to access their systems and applications also offer a web-based front-end, so that the obscure green font on black screen magic of a typical SSH session is hidden from the end user. This enables both new groups to use HPC systems but also provides power users a more error proof and efficient way of using installed applications. This talk showcases how this application as a service mode has changed the computing landscape in a multi-disciplinary research laboratory both from a users and an HPC operators perspective.

Keywords: HPC; Open Science; SaaS; PIConGPU

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 07.03.2018, Tokio, Japan


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