Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Energy deposition of highly charged ions transmitted through single layer MoS₂

Creutzburg, S.; Schwestka, J.; Inani, H.; Tripathi, M. K.; Grande, P. L.; Heller, R.; Klingner, N.; Niggas, A.; Kozubek, R.; Madauss, L.; Facsko, S.; Kotakoski, J.; Schleberger, M.; Aumayr, F.; Wilhelm, R. A.


Highly charged ions (HCIs) are an efficient tool for the perforation of suspended 2D materials. Only a fraction of their potential energy is transferred to the atomically thin target during the very short interaction time and is available for pore formation. Charge exchange spectra were measured for highly charged xenon ions transmitted through suspended, single layer MoS₂ in order to determine the deposited potential energy available for pore formation. Additionally, charge exchange dependent ion stopping responsible for kinetic sputtering was measured simultaneously.

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