Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Recycling of refrigerators: Linking design decisions and liberation behaviour

Mütze, T.; Heibeck, M.


Recycling is part of the circular economy contributing to the sustainable and secure supply of raw materials. Most consumer products, from cars to domestic appliances, consist of multi-material structures which form complex wastes after their use phase. Therefore and with the focus on sustainability, the design decisions of product manufacturers have a significant influence on recyclability. So far, methods exist to evaluate the performance of metallurgical recycling systems through process simulation. However, there is a lack of methods to estimate the impact of design decisions on the liberation behaviour during crushing.
In a case study, a large-scale recycling campaign examined 100 refrigerators from the household sector in a commercial primary waste treatment facility. Initially, the fridges were analysed regarding e.g. initial mass, size, outer appearance, and manufacturer in order to be categorized into three fractions. Then the conventional pre-treatment steps were documented such as depollution, removal of glass shelfs, printed circuit boards and compressors. Finally, the mechanical processing started beginning with a two-stage crushing and subsequent separation in an air classifier (density sorting), magnetic and eddy current separator.
The main products of the mechanical processing are a PU rich, a ferrous, a non-ferrous and a plastics fraction. The last three of those were analysed in more detail in order to quantify the degree of liberation as well as the separation efficiency. Liberation was evaluated at particle level in terms of unliberated connections between different materials (material mixed particles) as well as connections of different components consisting of the same material (component mixed particles). This data allows deducing the liberation efficiency, which affects sorting and final product qualities.
Furthermore, the liberation efficiency of different connection types (e.g. screwing, gluing, coating, snap-fitting) was identified. Coupling these insights with a material compatibility assessment for subsequent recovery processes, design recommendations have been derived for liberation-oriented choice of connection types and specific material combinations. For example, steel in the PU rich fraction causes problems during conveying and pelletizing and is therefore regarded as hazardous pollutant for subsequent processing. In contrast to that, aluminium in the ferrous fraction deceases slightly the product quality but can be removed easily during subsequent metallurgical refinement.
As an ongoing research topic, finite element method (FEM) simulations supplement these experimental investigations to enable the analysis of various multi-material designs. In these simulations, composites of metal and fibre-reinforced plastics are modelled in a crushing process and compared to laboratory scale experiments (figure 2) regarding their liberation potential during crushing and their overall recyclability. In the future, this methodical approach will allow assessing the effects of the product design on recyclability already in the design stage assisting the development of recycling-friendly products.

Keywords: recycling; pre-treatment; liberation; crushing

  • Lecture (Conference)
    17th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification (ESCC 2022), 27.-29.06.2022, Toulouse, France
