Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Bridging scales to understand species spatial organization

Colombo, E. H.; Saraiva De Menezes, J. F.; Calabrese, J.


From data we first construct a Langevin equation to describe the movement of the individuals. The ctmm1 package can be used to extract the parameters behind intrinsic dynamics of each individual (potential, diffusion coefficient, etc.). However, individuals’ home-range (i.e. the area they occupy) are also shaped by its interaction with individual nearby. For that we need to resolve the forces felt by individuals during encounters2 and then scale-up their effects. This coarse-graining process generates a PDE for the temporal evolution of the occupancy probability of a given individual. This final equation, extracted from data, provides a data-driven description of the formation and maintenance of home-ranges.

Keywords: Animal movement; Home-range; Interactions

  • Poster
    Big data analytical methods for complex systems, 18.10.2023, Wroclaw, Poland
