Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Quantum fluctuations in rotating nuclei

Almehed, D.


This thesis is focused on quantum fluctuations in rotating nuclei and on the effect they have on observables such as relative energy and angular momentum. The study of the nucleus under extreme conditions has been one of the main sources of information about nuclear structure over the last decades. Nuclei at high angular momenta are studied by means of modern gamma-detector arrays. Among the phenomena studied in such experiments are the phase transition from superfluid to normal phase, orientation changes in rotating nuclei, shape changes in rotating nuclei, super deformation etc.

The most powerful method to calculate nuclear properties is the mean field approach known as Hartree-Fock or Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method. Within this method the two-body interaction is replaced by a selfconsistent one-body potential which is calculated in an iterative way.

The nuclear mean field breaks a series of symmetries present in any realistic two-body Hamiltonian. One motivation to include effects that go beyond the mean field is to restore these symmetries. Two methods of restoring symmetries are used in this thesis, namely, the projection method and the random phase approximation (RPA).

An advanced quantum mechanical description of a nuclei should take into account quantum fluctuations around the mean field minimum. The quantal fluctuations do not only lead to a series of collective excitations like vibrations and rotations but also add correlations to the mean field ground state. The correlation energy gained by these quantum fluctuations is, in general, state dependent and is important when describing observables like the moment of inertia, the ordering and relative energies between states.

Keywords: Nuclear strcture; Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov; Random Phase Approximation; Projection; Tilted Axis Cranking

  • Other report
    Dissertation TU Dresden
