Practical trainings, student assistants and theses
Offer | All | Master theses | | Volunteer internship | Diploma theses | Bachelor theses | Student Assistant | Compulsory internship |
Institute/ Dep. | FKVF | FWD | FWDF | FWDF-E | FWDF-P | FWDF-V | FWGA-X | FWGP | FWGR | FWGT-P | FWIO-T | FWIZ-N | FWPC | |
Formatting | Table | |
Bachelor student (m/f/d) Characterization of binding, mutation and amplification properties of single phages (Id 452)
Student practical training / Bachelor theses / Compulsory internship
Within the FINEST project, the phage surface display was used to identify phages that potentially bind to different types of plastic. In order to carry out further experiments, the respective phage clones must be amplified and tested for their binding properties. Phage clones can have different amplification rates and mutation rates which can distort the results of the binding studies of the individual phage clones and lead to a false evaluation of the phage clone. The aforementioned properties are to be investigated in the advertised work using basic molecular and microbiological methods.
Department: Pep2Rec
Contact: Harter, Sonja Dorothea, Dr. Lederer, Franziska, Dr. Schönberger, Nora
- Ongoing studies in biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, biology or a related natural science degree program
- Practical experience in the basics of molecular biology
- Interested in working independently after instruction
- Independent, conscientious way of working
- Possible start from February 2025
- Duration according to study regulations or at least 3 months
- Presentation and written report on work and results
- Laboratory language: English
Online application
Please apply online: english / german
Internship on experimental investigation of aerosol propagation (Id 381)
Student practical training / Compulsory internship / Volunteer internship
Currently, there is a broad discussion whether ventilation by frequent window opening is sufficient for providing a sufficient amount of fresh air or if technical air purification devices based on e.g. HEPA filters are better solutions for public spaces. Furthermore, there is another discussion ongoing, whether a well-guided laminar flow or a high degree of mixing within a room is more beneficial. The latter, on the one hand distributes the potentially virus-laden aerosols in the whole room, but on the other hand reduces the peak concentrations of these aerosols clouds by magnitudes.
The objective is to perform aerosol propagation experiments and to estimate the potential aerosol inhalation of people in dynamic situations. To achieve this, an aerosol generator will be used in a demonstrator room under different flow conditions. The data from different scenarios will be processed in order to obtain a transference function that can relate the aerosol source with the aerosol receivers.
- Literature survey
- Aerosol experiments in different scenarios.
- Post-processing of the results.
Department: Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics
- Student of natural sciences or engineering
- Willingness to conduct experimental work
4-6 months
According to HDZR guidelines
Online application
Please apply online: english / german
Medizinische Chemie/ Organische Synthese neuer Radioliganden für die Krebsdiagnostik und -therapie (Id 295)
Student practical training / Bachelor theses / Master theses
Wir beschäftigen uns mit der Entwicklung von PET-Radiotracern, die Rezeptoren im Tumormikromilieu (TME = tumor microenvironment) für die Diagnostik und Therapie von Krebs sichtbar machen. Dazu werden geeignete tumoraffine Leitstrukturen identifiziert (niedermolekulare organische Moleküle, Peptide und Peptidomimetika), synthetisiert und mit einem geeigneten Radionuklid kovalent (z. B. Fluor-18, Iod-123) oder über einen Chelator (z. B. Gallium-68, Lutetium-177) markiert. Diese Radioliganden werden in vitro an Tumorzelllinien und in vivo im Tiermodell hinsichtlich einer Anwendung in der Nuklearmedizin getestet. Langfristiges Ziel ist die Translation der entwickelten Radiotracer in die Klinik als Diagnosewerkzeug (PET/CT) oder nach Markierung mit einem Beta- oder Alphastrahler für die Endoradiotherapie von Tumorerkrankungen.
Im Rahmen eines Studentenpraktikums oder einer Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit sollen organische Wirkstoffmoleküle synthetisiert und für eine anschließende radiochemische Markierung modifiziert werden. Die neuen Radioliganden werden dann biologisch in vitro und in vivo untersucht.
Department: Medical Radiochemistry
Contact: Dr. Stadlbauer, Sven, Sachse, Frederik
- Studium der Chemie
- Gute Noten in organischer Synthesechemie
- Fähigkeit sich in ein interdisziplinäres Wissenschaftler-Team einzugliedern
- Bereitschaft zum Umgang mit Radioaktivität
- Gute Kenntnisse der deutschen und englischen Sprache
- Beginn nach Absprache jederzeit möglich
- Praktikumsdauer mind. 4 Wochen, mit möglichst täglicher Anwesenheit