ACDC – ACcelerator-Driven multipurpose ion beam Complex
Source: Wallner/Steglich/HZDR
The most striking feature of ACDC will be a globally unique facility for the detection of minute traces of natural and man-made isotopic signatures in our environment. A novel approach to background suppression in accelerator mass spectrometry using laser-particle interaction and ion coolers in combination with the available high ion energies will make new nuclides available, therefore paving the way to new applications in environmental and geological research. Important questions about the formation of atomic nuclei and the chemical elements as well as the impact of nearby cosmic events on the Earth's biosphere can also be addressed.
ACDC will enable scientists in the field of radiation biology and medicine, e.g. with regard to tumor irradiation, to comparatively evaluate the mode of action of so-called minibeam and flash concepts - all at one location.
The Ion Beam Center IBC at HZDR is Europe's largest user facility in the field of materials research with ions. With ACDC, the HZDR is focusing on a substantial expansion of this research facility. It will thus open up new user communities and make decisive contributions to solutions for all societal challenges identified by the EU in the "Horizon Europe Missions".
With the establishment of ACDC, the activities of the HZDR in the research area of health shall be intensified while building bridges to the research areas of energy as well as earth and environment. Furthermore, the industrial use of ACDC shall further strengthen the semiconductor location Dresden.
Contact: Prof. Anton Wallner, Prof. Jürgen Faßbender