1. International Alumni Week October 2022
Innovation and exchange programme "TrAIN - Train Alumni from Industry for NEXT Gens" in October 2022
In the TrAIN project, we are working to build an international network to strengthen collaboration with international alumni at the HZDR. To this end, we organised an innovation and exchange programme for the first time in October 2022 and invited international alumni. During the alumni week, the guests gained insights into current research topics, innovative projects and spin-offs. They were also trained in innovation management and the development of cooperations and business models.

"With the HZDR-TrAIN project and the HZDR Innovators Club, the existing alumni networking of the HZDR is being further developed in a new quality in the areas of cooperation opportunities and transfer management. All HZDR alumni have the opportunity to contribute their expertise as well as deepen their acquired knowledge, make new contacts and shape the future together," says the HZDR's Head of Human Resources, Nadine Möhring-Lotsch, explaining the purpose of the project, which is being implemented jointly by the Human Resources and Transfer departments.
The HZDR is thus breaking new ground in addressing and involving alumni as experts to form a network - the HZDR Innovators Club. "I hope that with the Innovation and Exchange Week we will leverage potential for new collaborations and networks and that the programme for international alumni will become an integral part of the alumni and innovation work," says Dr Björn Wolf, Chief Innovation and Technology Officer at HZDR.