
Dr. Sven Eckert

Head Magneto­hydro­dynamics
Phone: +49 351 260 2132

Aida Roch

Secretary Magneto­hydro­dynamics

Phone: +49 351 260 2168


Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) investigates the interaction between electrically conductive fluids and electromagnetic fields. Research at the HZDR is dedicated to

  • unique laboratory experiments in the field of geophysics and astrophysics (including the origin of cosmic magnetic fields),
  • liquid metal technologies for high-temperature energy transfer, liquid metal batteries as stationary energy stores, in use in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and in the casting of steel and light metals,
  • innovative methods for the electrification of industrial processes at high temperatures, and
  • the development of special measuring techniques for liquid metal technologies and electrified industrial processes.


Foto: Scheme and computed magnetic eigenfield of the Riga dynamo ©Copyright: Dr. Frank Stefani


Cosmic ­magnetic fields are generated by the hydro­magnetic dynamo effect and play a crucial role in cosmic structure formation by means of the ­magnetorotational instability. Liquid metal experiments may help to understand those fundamental processes
Foto: Lithium liquid metal electrode ©Copyright: ©Steffen Landgraf, Michael Nimtz

Energy Storage and Energy Con­version with Liquid Metals

Liquid metals offer a range of benefits when used for energy storage and energy con­version: cost-effective production, high cycle numbers and high scalability
Foto: Model experiments for metallurgy and crystal growth processes ©Copyright: Dr. Sven Eckert

Electro­magnetic process control.

The optimization of processes in metallurgy or in the crystallization of semiconductor materials with regard to product quality and energy efficiency requires a profound understanding of the flow processes in the melts.
Foto: Magneto-hydrodynamics: Steel Casting Using Magnetic Fields (Picture: AIFilm) ©Copyright: AI Films

Measurement techniques for liquid metals and electrified industrial processes

The knowledge of velocity structures or of the gas distribution in liquid metals is of great interest in laboratory experiments as well as in industrial applications. The opaqueness of those fluids prevents the use of well established optical methods. Additionally, the corrosiveness and the high temperatures are challenges for measurement techniques.
Foto: Induction ©Copyright: Dr. Sven Eckert

Electrification of industrial processes

Innovative electrical and inductive heating ­techno­logies are implemented in high-temperature processes in steelmaking, glass and ceramics production, the cement industry and chemical engineering to replace fossil sources.

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