
Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming

Phone: +49 (0) 371 531-33531

Deputy Spokesperson:
Prof. Dr. Heidemarie Schmidt

Phone: +49 (0) 3641 206-116

PD Dr. Peter Zahn

Phone: +49 (0) 351 260-3121

News and Events

EFRE funding of the project COR-RiSTOR - Echtzeit-Korrelationsanalyse mit BFO-Memristoren of TECHiFAB GmbH.

Funding of the project MemLog by German SPRIN-D agency.

Foundation of TECHiFAB GmbH by H. Schmidt et al.

International Memory Workshop 2020 (co-org. T. Mikolajick), on-line

Daniel Blaschke defended his PhD thesis at TU Chemnitz.

Bertaut Prize to Dr. Matthias Zschornak from TU-BA Freiberg at 31st Europ. Crystall. Meeting in Oviedo, Spain. Congrats.
More, Even more, In German.

Jura Rensberg defended his PhD thesis at FSU Jena.

Heidemarie Schmidt was appointed as Full Professor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Head of Dept. "Quantum Detection" at Leibniz IPHT Jena

Agnieszka Bogusz defended her PhD thesis at TU Chemnitz.

Nicola Spaldin: 2017 L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” Laureate - Congrats, ETH Zurich press release

Solveig Putzschke (née Rentrop) defended her PhD thesis at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.


The project is funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association (VH-VI-422).

Helmholtz-Logo weiß auf blau


Helmholtz Virtual Institute MEMRIOX (10/2011 - 12/2016)

The Virtual Institute 'Memriox' of Memory Effects in Resistive Ion-beam Modified Oxides establishes a joint research initiative in the field of ion-tailored oxide-based memristive elements. It is pursued within a novel and unique combination of core competences from the Helmholtz centers Dresden-Rossendorf and Jülich and their university partners in Dresden, Freiberg, Jena, San Diego, and Zurich. A nanoscale memristive switch may prove the concept of the ultimate future non-volatile memory cell with a resistance set directly by electric currents. Thus, the nanoscale memristor has matured to a key player in strategies combining the virtues of the 'More Moore' and 'More than Moore' concepts to drive the development of both miniaturized and functionalized electronic components for a resource-efficient 'green' computing.

Scientifically, the Virtual Institute aims at stepping beyond the established layer-by-layer control of intrinsic defects during the synthesis of memristive homojunctions. For that purpose, the Virtual Institute will employ the broad range of ion-beam techniques (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dreden-Rossendorf competence) to induce defective one- and two-dimensionally extended nanoregions with a high spatial precision. Nano-scale electronic and optical properties and functionalities will be investigated at the partner institutions at the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the universities in Freiberg, Jena, San Diego, and Zürich. Applicability will be assessed at the NaMLab gGmbH facility of the TU Dresden.

This combination of the partners' profound, long-term expertise in complementary high-level synthesis, characterization and analysis techniques is unique in the German research area. It provides the ideal framework to explore the spatial limits of memristive elements and their environment hence the Virtual Institute faces the challenges of the 'More Than Moore' concept, which is still less prominent in basic memristor research. The project will thus make a significant, qualitatively and quantitatively new contribution to cutting-edge science, towards quantifying defect-related effects on memristive behavior.

The project was financed by the Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds of the Helmholtz Association (project VH-VI-442) and was concluded successfully at the end of 2016.