
Porträt Dr. Kaden, Cornelia; FWOM

Dr. Cornelia Kaden,
Phone: +49 351 260 3431

Structural materials - journal publications


Master Curve reference temperature behavior of steels with varying Ni/Mn content and subjected to a fluence of 11x10E19 neutron/cm²

Lindqvist, S.; Kolluri, M.; Cinger, D.; Zarazovskii, M.; Szabolcs, S.; et al. (6 authors)

Texture of Hot-Compressed Metastable β-Titanium Alloy Ti5321 Studied by Neutron Diffraction

Gu, B.; Chekhonin, P.; Chulist, R.; Gan, W.; Skrotzki, W.

Validity of Toughness Measurements From Miniature Specimens Failing in Different Fracture Modes

Ortner, S.; Sanchez, M.; Echols, J.; Cicero, S.; Chekhonin, P.

Recovery of neutron-irradiated VVER-440 RPV base metal and weld exposed to isothermal annealing at 343 °C up to 2000 hours

Altstadt, E.; Bergner, F.; Brandenburg, J.-E.; Chekhonin, P.; Dykas, J.; et al. (7 authors)

ASTM interlaboratory study on tensile testing of AM deposited and wrought steel using miniature specimens

Dzugan, J.; Lucon, E.; Koukolikova, M.; Li, Y.; Rzepa, S.; et al. (16 authors)

Microstructure-informed prediction of hardening in ion-irradiated reactor pressure vessel steels

Lai, L.; Brandenburg, J.-E.; Chekhonin, P.; Duplessi, A.; Cuvilly, F.; et al. (9 authors)

Tunable room temperature nonlinear Hall effect from the surfaces of elementary bismuth thin films

Makushko, P.; Kovalev, S.; Zabila, Y.; Ilyakov, I.; Ponomaryov, O.; et al. (16 authors)

Understanding the effect of phosphorous on the ion-irradiation behaviour of RPV model steels using atom probe tomography and nanoindentation

Sharma, D.; Etienne, A.; Henry, R.; Kaden, C.; Picor, M.; et al. (6 authors)


Creep strength boosted by a high-density of stable nanoprecipitates in high-chromium steels

Vivas, J.; De-Castro, D.; Poplawsky, J. D.; Altstadt, E.; Houska, M.; et al. (10 authors)

Precipitation Stripping of V(V) as a Novel Approach for the Preparation of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Vanadates

Guadalupe Sánchez-Loredo, M.; Chekhonin, P.; Ebert, D.; Fischer, U.; Liu, X.; et al. (9 authors)

Preparation of Volborthite by a Facile Synthetic Chemical Solvent Extraction Method

Sánchez-Loredo, M. G.; Palomares-Sánchez, S. A.; Labrada-Delgado, G. J.; Helbig, T.; Chekhonin, P.; et al. (9 authors)

An improved correlation for the estimation of the yield strength from small punch testing

Altstadt, E.

Dynamic behavior of grain boundaries with misorientations in the vicinity of Σ3 coherent and incoherent twin boundaries in Al bicrystals.

Brandenburg, J.-E.; Barrales-Mora, L. A.; Tsurekawa, S.; Molodov, D. A.

Microstructural characterization of reactor pressure vessel steels

Lai, L.; Chekhonin, P.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Brandenburg, J.-E.; Bergner, F.

The Main Results of Structural Materials Research for Safe Long-Term Operation of LWR NPPs from the Viewpoint of Dissemination Activities

Shugailo, O.; Kolluri, M.; Gillemot, F.; Ulbricht, A.; Brumovsky, M.

Universal radiation tolerant semiconductor

Azarov, A.; Fernández, J. G.; Zhao, J.; Djurabekova, F.; He, H.; et al. (13 authors)

Structural MATerias research on parameters influencing the material properties of RPV steels for safe long-term operation of PWR NPPs

Kolluri, M.; Martin, O.; Naziris, F.; D’Agata, E.; Gillemot, F.; et al. (10 authors)

Small-angle neutron scattering study of neutron-irradiated and post-irradiation annealed VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel weld material

Ulbricht, A.; Dykas, J.; Chekhonin, P.; Altstadt, E.; Bergner, F.

Using mini-CT specimens for the fracture characterization of ferritic steels within the ductile to brittle transition range: a review

Sánchez, M.; Cicero, S.; Kirk, M.; Altstadt, E.; Server, W.; et al. (6 authors)

Microstructural characterisation of brittle fracture initiation sites in reactor pressure vessel steels

Chekhonin, P.; Das, A.; Bergner, F.; Altstadt, E.

Master Curve Testing of RPV Steels using Mini-C(T) Specimens – Irradiation Effects and Censoring Statistics

Das, A.; Chekhonin, P.; Houska, M.; Obermeier, F.; Altstadt, E.


Phase Transformation Induced by High Pressure Torsion in the High-Entropy Alloy CrMnFeCoNi

Chulist, R.; Pukenas, A.; Chekhonin, P.; Hohenwarter, A.; Pippan, R.; et al. (7 authors)

The effects of post-processing on the local fracture toughness properties of electron beam powder bed fusion Ti-6Al-4V alloy

Dzugan, J.; Seifi, M.; Rzepa, S.; Rund, M.; Koukolikova, M.; et al. (8 authors)

Role of Ni, Si and P on the formation of solute-rich clusters under irradiation in Fe-Cr alloys

Gueye, P.-M.; Gómez-Ferrer, B.; Kaden, C.; Pareige, C.

Solute rich cluster formation and Cr precipitation in irradiated Fe-Cr-(Ni,Si,P) alloys: Ion and neutron irradiation

Pareige, C.; Etienne, A.; Gueye, P.-M.; Medvedev, A.; Kaden, C.; et al. (7 authors)

The effect of composition and microstructure on the creep behaviour of 14 Cr ODS steels consolidated by SPS

Meza, A.; Macía, E.; Chekhonin, P.; Altstadt, E.; Rabanal, M. E.; et al. (7 authors)

Multiscale modelling in nuclear ferritic steels: from nano-sized defects to embrittlement

Castin, N.; Bonny, G.; Konstantinović, M. J.; Bakaev, A.; Bergner, F.; et al. (15 authors)

Nanoindentation applied to ion-irradiated and neutron-irradiated Fe-9Cr and Fe-9Cr-NiSiP model alloys

Bergner, F.; Kaden, C.; Das, A.; Merino, S.; Diego, G.; et al. (6 authors)

Effect of neutron flux on irradiation-induced microstructure and hardening of reactor pressure vessel steel

Ulbricht, A.; Hernández-Mayoral, M.; Oñorbe, E.; Etienne, A.; Radiguet, B.; et al. (9 authors)

Small-angle neutron scattering applied to low-dose neutron-irradiated Fe–Cr alloys and ferritic martensitic steel Eurofer97

Ulbricht, A.; Heinemann, A.; Bergner, F.

Nanoindentation response of ion-irradiated Fe, Fe-Cr alloys and ferritic-martensitic steel Eurofer 97: The effect of ion energy

Das, A.; Altstadt, E.; Kaden, C.; Kapoor, G.; Akhmadaliev, S.; et al. (6 authors)


TiAl-based semi-finished material produced by reaction annealing of Ti/Al layered composite sheets

Pukenas, A.; Chekhonin, P.; Scharnweber, J.; Chulist, R.; Oertel, C.-G.; et al. (7 authors)

Microstructure-informed prediction and measurement of nanoindentation hardness of an Fe-9Cr alloy irradiated with Fe-ions of 1 and 5 MeV energy

Kapoor, G.; Chekhonin, P.; Kaden, C.; Vogel, K.; Bergner, F.

Multiscale modelling for fusion and fission materials: the M4F project

Malerba, L.; Caturla, M. J.; Gaganidze, E.; Kaden, C.; Konstantinović, M. J.; et al. (74 authors)

Microstructure and texture development during hot-compression of Ti5321

Gu, B.; Chekhonin, P.; Xin, S. W.; Liu, G. Q.; Ma, C. L.; et al. (7 authors)

Creep Properties of 9Cr and 14Cr ODS Tubes Tested by Inner Gas Pressure

Sornin, D.; Ehrnsten, U.; Mozzani, N.; Rantala, J.; Walter, M.; et al. (13 authors)

Effect of temperature and strain rate on the deformation behavior of Ti5321 during hot-compression

Gu, B.; Chekhonin, P.; Xin, S. W.; Liu, G. Q.; Ma, C. L.; et al. (7 authors)

Heterogeneous sorption of radionuclides predicted by crystal surface nanoroughness

Yuan, T.; Schymura, S.; Bollermann, T.; Molodtsov, K.; Chekhonin, P.; et al. (8 authors)

Depth distribution of irradiation-induced dislocation loops in an Fe-9Cr model alloy irradiated with Fe ions: The effect of ion energy

Vogel, K.; Chekhonin, P.; Kaden, C.; Hernández-Mayoral, M.; Akhmadaliev, S.; et al. (6 authors)

Use of the small punch test for the estimation of ductile-to-brittle transition temperature shift of irradiated steels

Altstadt, E.; Bergner, F.; Houska, M.


Investigations of internal stresses in high-voltage devices with deep trenches

Hieckmann, E.; Mühle, U.; Chekhonin, P.; Zschech, E.; Gambino, J.

Development of New 14 Cr ODS Steels by Using New Oxides Formers and B as an Inhibitor of the Grain Growth

Meza, A.; Macía, E.; García-Junceda, A.; Antonio Díaz, L.; Chekhonin, P.; et al. (9 authors)

Brittle-ductile transition temperature of recrystallized tungsten following exposure to fusion relevant cyclic high heat load

Shah, V.; van Dommelen, J. A. W.; Altstadt, E.; Das, A.; Geers, M. G. D.

Strengthening of ods silver wires

Wasserbäch, W.; Skrotzki, W.; Chekhonin, P.

Vacancy-solute clustering in Fe-Cr alloys after neutron irradiation

Konstantinovic, M. J.; Ulbricht, A.; Brodziansky, T.; Castina, N.; Malerba, L.

Design and high temperature behavior of novel heat resistant steels strengthened by high density of stable nanoprecipitates

Vivas, J.; De-Castro, D.; Altstadt, E.; Houska, M.; San-Martin, D.; et al. (6 authors)

Microstructure and fracture toughness characterization of three 9Cr ODS EUROFER steels with different thermo-mechanical treatments

Das, A.; Chekhonin, P.; Altstadt, E.; Mcclintock, D.; Bergner, F.; et al. (7 authors)

Round robin into best practices for the determination of indentation size effects

Ruiz-Moreno, A.; Hähner, P.; Kurpaska, L.; Jagielski, J.; Spätig, P.; et al. (15 authors)

Microstructure, texture and hardness of a metastable β-titanium alloy after bar-rolling and annealing

Gu, B.; Chekhonin, P.; Schaarschuch, R.; Oertel, C.-G.; Xin, S. W.; et al. (9 authors)

Relationships between depth-resolved primary radiation damage, irradiation-induced nanostructure and nanoindentation response of ion-irradiated Fe-Cr and ODS Fe-Cr alloys

Vogel, K.; Heintze, C.; Chekhonin, P.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Altstadt, E.; et al. (6 authors)

TEM observation of loops decorating dislocations and resulting source hardening of neutron-irradiated Fe-Cr alloys

Bergner, F.; Hernandez-Mayoral, M.; Heintze, C.; Konstantinovic, M. J.; Malerba, L.; et al. (6 authors)

Active Targeting of Dendritic Polyglycerols for Diagnostic Cancer Imaging

Kritee, P.; Neuber, C.; Zarschler, K.; Wodtke, J.; Meister, S.; et al. (8 authors)

Microstructural characterization of inhomogeneity in 9Cr ODS EUROFER steel

Das, A.; Chekhonin, P.; Altstadt, E.; Bergner, F.; Heintze, C.; et al. (6 authors)

The dominating mechanisms for the formation of solute-rich clusters in steels under irradiation

Castin, N.; Bonny, G.; Bakaev, A.; Bergner, F.; Domain, C.; et al. (10 authors)


Magnetic Nanoparticle Chains in Gelatin Ferrogels: Bioinspiration from Magnetotactic Bacteria

Sturm, S.; Siglreitmeier, M.; Wolf, D.; Vogel, K.; Gratz, M.; et al. (10 authors)

Microstructure of accumulative roll bonded high purity aluminium laminates

Chekhonin, P.; Zöllner, D.; Zimmer, E.; Scharnweber, J.; Romberg, J.; et al. (6 authors)

Nanoindentation of single- (Fe) and dual-beam (Fe and He) ion-irradiated ODS Fe-14Cr-based alloys: Effect of the initial microstructure on irradiation-induced hardening

Heintze, C.; Hilger, I.; Bergner, F.; Weissgärber, T.; Kieback, B.

Developments in the estimation of tensile strength by small punch testing

Holmström, S.; Simonovski, I.; Baraldi, D.; Bruchhausen, M.; Altstadt, E.; et al. (6 authors)

Effect of anisotropic microstructure of ODS steels on small punch test results

Altstadt, E.; Bergner, F.; Das, A.; Houska, M.

Long-term stability of the microstructure of austenitic ODS steel rods produced with a carbon-containing process control agent

Gräning, T.; Klimenkov, M.; Rieth, M.; Heintze, C.; Möslang, A.

On the role of Ni, Si and P on the microstructural evolution of FeCr alloys under irradiation

Gómez-Ferrer, B.; Heintze, C.; Pareige, C.

Microstructural degradation and creep fracture behavior of conventionally and thermomechanically treated 9% Chromium Heat Resistant steel

Vivas, J.; Capdevila, C.; Altstadt, E.; Houska, M.; Sabirov, I.; et al. (6 authors)

Magnetic small-angle neutron scattering

Mühlbauer, S.; Honecker, D.; Perigo, E. A.; Bergner, F.; Disch, S.; et al. (11 authors)


Determining the ultimate tensile strength of fuel cladding tubes by small punch testing

Simonovski, I.; Baraldi, D.; Holmström, S.; Altstadt, E.; Delville, R.; et al. (6 authors)

Effect of ausforming temperature on creep strength of G91 investigated by means of small punch creep tests

Vivas, J.; Capdevila, C.; Altstadt, E.; Houska, M.; Serrano, M.; et al. (7 authors)

Importance of austenitization temperature and ausforming on creep strength in 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steel

Vivas, J.; Capdevila, C.; Altstadt, E.; Houska, M.; San-Martin, D.

Post-irradiation annealing behavior of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-Cr alloys studied by nanoindentation

Duan, B.; Bergner, F.; Heintze, C.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Wang, T.

Nanoindentation of ion-irradiated reactor pressure vessel steels – model-based interpretation and comparison with neutron irradiation

Röder, F.; Heintze, C.; Pecko, S.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Bergner, F.; et al. (7 authors)

Fe2+ ion irradiated JRQ steel investigated by nanoindentation and slow-positron Doppler broadening spectroscopy

Pecko, S.; Heintze, C.; Bergner, F.; Anwand, W.; Slugen, V.

Effect of isotropic stress on dislocation bias factor in bcc iron: an atomistic study

Bakaev, A.; Terentyev, D.; Chang, Z.; Posselt, M.; Olsson, P.; et al. (6 authors)

On the estimation of ultimate tensile stress from small punch testing

Altstadt, E.; Houska, M.; Simonovski, I.; Bruchhausen, M.; Holmström, S.; et al. (6 authors)

Helium-ion microscopy, helium-ion irradiation and nanoindentation of Eurofer 97 and ODS Eurofer

Bergner, F.; Hlawacek, G.; Heintze, C.


Synthesis of High-Crystallinity DPP Polymers with Balanced Electron and Hole Mobility

Di Pietro, R.; Erdmann, T.; Carpenter, J. H.; Wang, N.; Shivhare, R. R.; et al. (11 authors)

On the influence of microstructure on fracture behaviour of hot extruded ferritic ODS steels

Das, A.; Viehrig, H. W.; Altstadt, E.; Heintze, C.; Hoffmann, J.

The effect of the initial microstructure in terms of sink strength on the ion-irradiation-induced hardening of ODS alloys studied by nanoindentation

Duan, B.; Heintze, C.; Bergner, F.; Ulbricht, A.; Akhmadaliev, S.; et al. (8 authors)

Microstructure characterization and strengthening mechanisms of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) Fe-9%Cr and Fe-14%Cr extruded bars

Chauhan, A.; Bergner, F.; Etienne, A.; Aktaa, J.; de Carlan, Y.; et al. (11 authors)

Aqueous Gold Overgrowth of Silver Nanoparticles: Merging the Plasmonic Properties of Silver with the Functionality of Gold

Mayer, M.; Steiner, A. M.; Röder, F.; Formanek, P.; König, T. A. F.; et al. (6 authors)

Effect of microstructural anisotropy on fracture toughness of hot rolled 13Cr ODS steel – the role of primary and secondary cracking

Das, A.; Viehrig, H. W.; Bergner, F.; Heintze, C.; Altstadt, E.; et al. (6 authors)

Model-based magnetization retrieval from holographic phase images

Röder, F.; Vogel, K.; Wolf, D.; Hellwig, O.; Wee, S. H.; et al. (7 authors)


JRQ and JPA irradiated and annealed reactor pressure vessel steels studied by positron annihilation

Slugen, V.; Gokhman, O.; Pecko, S.; Sojak, S.; Bergner, F.

Transmission electron microscopy investigation of the microstructure of Fe-Cr alloys induced by neutron and ion irradiation at 300ºC

Hernández-Mayoral, M.; Heintze, C.; Onorbe, E.

Alternative fabrication routes toward oxide dispersion strengthened steels and model alloys

Bergner, F.; Hilger, I.; Virta, J.; Lagerbom, J.; Gerbeth, G.; et al. (9 authors)

Effect of neutron flux on the characteristics of irradiation-induced nanofeatures and hardening in pressure vessel steels

Wagner, A.; Bergner, F.; Chaouadi, R.; Hein, H.; Hernández-Mayoral, M.; et al. (8 authors)

Effect of anisotropic microstructure of a 12Cr ODS steel on the fracture behaviour in the small punch test

Altstadt, E.; Serrano, M.; Houska, M.; Garcia-Junceda, A.

Irradiation hardening of Fe-9Cr-based alloys and ODS Eurofer: effect of helium implantation and iron-ion irradiation at 300 °C including sequence effects

Heintze, C.; Bergner, F.; Hernandez-Mayoral, M.; Kögler, R.; Müller, G.; et al. (6 authors)

Critical evaluation of the small punch test as a screening procedure for mechanical properties

Altstadt, E.; Ge, H. E.; Kuksenko, V.; Serrano, M.; Houska, M.; et al. (9 authors)

Ion irradiation combined with nanoindentation as a screening test procedure for irradiation hardening

Heintze, C.; Bergner, F.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Altstadt, E.


Towards safe long-term operation of reactor pressure vessels

Rouden, J.; Hein, H.; May, J.; Planman, T.; Todeschini, P.; et al. (11 authors)

  • atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 60(2015)5, 287-293

Contributions of Cu-rich clusters, dislocation loops and nanovoids to the irradiation-induced hardening of Cu-bearing low-Ni reactor pressure vessel steels

Bergner, F.; Gillemot, F.; Hernández-Mayoral, M.; Serrano, M.; Török, G.; et al. (7 authors)

Radiation and annealing response of WWER 440 beltline welding seams

Viehrig, H.-W.; Houska, M.; Altstadt, E.

Fracture mechanics characterisation of reactor pressure vessel multi-layer weld metal

Viehrig, H.-W.; Houska, M.; Kalkhof, D.; Schindler, H.-J.

Radiation response of the overlay cladding from the decommissioned WWER-440 Greifswald unit 4 reactor pressure vessel

Viehrig, H.-W.; Altstadt, E.; Houska, M.