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11.02.2025, 6 p.m.
Discussion with Prof. Larysa Baraban
Organoids: small structures with great potential

13.02.2025, from 5 p.m.
Human chain of remembrance
80th anni­versary of the destruction of Dresden

Girls’ Day | Boys’ Day
Deine Ausbildung im For­schungs­zentrum – Jetzt anmelden

The technology platform of the research alliance DRESDEN-concept.

HZDR Research Magazine "discovered"

Each new issue of the easy-to-read magazine "discovered" has a major focus, be it artificial intelligence, magnetic fields and forces, or cancer research. The magazine keeps you informed about research at the HZDR, new staff members or work groups as well as interesting events. Whereas "entdeckt", the German-language magazine, is usually published twice a year, only selected issues are also available in English.

Research Magazine "discovered" 2023 (November 2023)

Download (PDF; 8 MB) or E-Paper

Title: Artificial intelligence – A boost for research

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