
Dr. Shengqiang Zhou

Head Semiconductor Material­s
Phone: +49 351 260 2484

Dr. Lars Rebohle
Phone: +49 351 260 3368

We are continuously looking for Bacholar or Master (Diploma) students.

News from FWIM

19.01.2024 | Our paper on Strong Exciton–Phonon Coupling as a Fingerprint of Magnetic Ordering in van der Waals Layered CrSBr being published at ACS Nano

05.09.2023 | Our paper on Ferromagnetic Interlayer Coupling in CrSBr Crystals Irradiated by Ions being published at Nano Letters

23.06.2023 | Our paper on Active Sites of Te-hyperdoped Silicon by Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy being published at Applied Physics Letters

05.01.2023 | Our paper on Tripling energy storage density through order–disorder transition induced polar nanoregions in PbZrO3 thin films by ion implantation being published at Applied Physics Reviews

03.06.2022 | Rang Li won the Best Poster Prize in the E-MRS 2022 Spring Meeting! Congratulations!

02.02.2022 | Our paper on Mid- and far-infrared localized surface plasmon resonances in chalcogen-hyperdoped silicon being published at Nanoscale

Department of Semiconductor Materials (FWIM)

The department is concerned with the synthesis and modification of advanced materials for opto-electronics and quantum technology by ion beams and by millisecond flash lamp/nanosecond pulsed laser. It is equipped with tools for ultra-fast annealing and thin film deposition as well as with cutting-edge devices for the electrical, optical and magnetic investigation of materials. The research work is performed in close collaboration with other departments at the HZDR including the Ion Beam Center (IBC), ELBE and the High Magnetic Field Lab.

Research topics

Foto: Hyperdoping

Hyper-doping semiconductors

Foto: Antenna

Infrared Optoelectronics

Foto: Defect engineering

Defect engineering by ions

Foto: Defects in SiC

Hybrid quantum technologies with atom-scale defects

Foto: Quantum Metrology

Quantum metrology with topological materials

Foto: FLA and PLA

Flash lamp and pulsed laser annealing

Third party projects:

  • SAB: Cost-effective CMOS-based GeSn shortwave infrared photodetectors (GeSn-SWIR), start 12/24
  • SAB: Silicon fleece anodes as a component of a lithium-ion battery (SiVlies), start 06/24
  • DFG: Ultradoped GeSn-based plasmonic antennas and GeSn/Si plasmon-enhanced heterojunction photoemission infrared photodetectors on the Si platform, start 02/24
  • SAB: Future Mobility - Optical Characterization of Ion Beams (OptiBeam), start 07/23
  • VIP+ Project (BMBF): Integrated high-capacity solid state Li ion battery, start 07/23
  • HI-ACTS: Wafer-scale CMOS technology for room-temperature extended short-wave infrared GeSn photodetectors based on ion implantation and flash lamp annealing, 05-12/23
  • HI-ACTS: Contact engineering in III-V-Nitrides for UV light emitters, 05-12/23
  • EU-Horizon: Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology (I.FAST), Start 2023
  • DFG: Room-temperature broadband MIR photodetector based on Si:Te for wafer-scale integration, Start 2020
  • BMBF "ForMikro": Group IV heterostructures for high performance nanoelectronic devices (SiGeSn NanoFETs), start from 2020
  • Helmholtz Innovation Lab blitzlab for ultra-short time annealing, start 02/20
  • DFG-DACH: Quantum control of single spin centers in silicon carbide coupled to optical microcavities, start from 2019
  • DFG: 3D tailoring of all-oxide heterostructures by ion beams (3D-Domino), start from 2019
  • DFG: Doping by means of FLA and ALD, 08/18 - 11/21
  • Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers, Y. Berencén, 06/16 – 05/19
  • SAB project SiNERGY, 09/17 – 09/19