
Dr. Stefan Facsko

Head of Ion Beam Center
Phone: +49 351 260 2987

The International Office (IO) advises and supports visiting scientists and researchers, PhD students and postdocs from abroad as well as international users of our research facilities - together with their families - in organizing, preparing, and implementing their stay here in Dresden.

User Facilities at the Ion Beam Center


The institute is referring to many years of experience to the application of ion beams for the modification and analysis of surface layers mainly for semiconductor materials and metals or metal alloys.

Ion beam treatment of metallic materials (e.g. light metals like Al, Ti; stainless steel) can be advantegeously applied for the improvement of the tribological properties (hardness, wear, corrosion resistance etc.). Using ion beam assisted deposition for hard coatings in several cases the deposited layers are characterized by a high adhesive strenght with respect to the substrate. New technologies of high energy ion implantation or focus ion beam technique result in new applications for electronic devices or microintegrated circuits.

Moreover, ion beams are an excellent instrument for the analysis of solid state surfaces. The interaction of the incident ion beam with the surface layer of a material leads to a specific radiation response, which contains the information for the composition of the investigated layer. The evaluation of this radiation enables the determination of the elemental distribution as well as depth profiling (mostly non-destructive and quantitative values) in the analyzed area with high detection limit.

Additional analytical, preparation and measuring techniques around ion beam treatment and sample preparation are available to fulfill the needs for users from different industrial branches. Do not hesitate to contact our experienced team.

Main areas of competence:

Staff member of the Ion Beam Center
  • Simulation of ion beam interaction with materials
  • Fabrication of wear protection layers on metallic materials or alloys
  • Advanced ion beam technologies (high energy ion implantation, focsed ion beam) for microelectronic applications
  • Application of high energy ion implantation for power devices and laser structures
  • Doping of semiconductors, particularly wide bandgap semiconductors
  • Surface analysis of solid state materials with high energy ion beams
  • Development and fabrication of sensors and detectors for charged particle spectroscopy


Ion Implantation
  • Consultation and problem evaluation for ion beam applications
  • Process development for ion beam treatment of different materials (metals, ceramics, semiconductors)
  • Preparation and treatment of material samples, tools or complex parts of devices
  • Service at the fields of ion implantation and ion beam analysis
  • Ion implantation into semiconductor materials for applications in microsytem technique and microelectronics
  • Preparation / fabrication of semiconductors or silicon radiation sensors under clean room conditions(area:: 300 m2; RR-class: 100)


Non-destructive appraisal of art objects via ion beam analysis: Cranach
  • Improvement of wear resistance of austenic stainless steels using plasma immersion ion implantation
  • High energy ion implantation for power devices
  • Micro- and nanoengineering with focused ion beams
  • Non-destructive quantitative hydrogen analysis in materials
  • Non-destructive ion beam analysis of art objects
  • Doping of wide-bandgap-semiconductors (SiC, diamond)
  • Nuclear microprobe for ion beam analysis with high spatial resolution
  • Synchrotron radiation analysis of materials at the ROBL Beamline in Grenoble