Online Annual Report 2011
Calendar of Events
Research & Transfer
- A discovery made by the HZDR researcher Dr. Johanna Lippmann-Pipke and her international colleagues raised quite a stir in February: They found two billion year old saline groundwater in the South African Witwatersrand Basin. The scientists analyzed and assessed the composition of the water.
- Immediately after the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan, in March, Helmholtz scientists, also from the HZDR, created work groups to investigate the causes of the accident. They announced their findings to the public.
- In June, the HZDR got the grant notification to coordinate two new Helmholtz Virtual Institutes. The aim is to develop innovative nanomaterials for cancer diagnostics and adaptive materials for non-volatile random access memories in computers.
- On June 22, the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory produced what was then the world’s highest pulsed magnetic field generated in a non-destructive process. It had a magnetic strength of 91.4 teslas.
- June 30 marked the official inauguration of a PET/MRI system which was the first of its kind in all of Germany to be approved for examining the entire body of patients. On the following day, the possibilities and limitations of the new technology were discussed in a symposium.
- By symbolically handing over a silver key, the Federal Minister of Research, Prof. Annette Schavan, and Saxony’s Minister President Stanislaw Tillich officially opened the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology on August 29.
- New research infrastructures were officially inaugurated in the HZDR branches in November: First, a new particle accelerator in Leipzig; and later, the newly designed Rossendorf Beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France.
- Shortly before the end of the year, the number of HZDR spin-offs increased suddenly by two new enterprises: The HZDR INNOVATION GmbH and the Saxray corporations.
- On January 1, the HZDR joined the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.
- Europe’s four leading High Magnetic Field Laboratories in Dresden, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) as well as Grenoble and Toulouse (France) are supported financially by the EU in order to intensify their cooperation and attract new users from the scientific community. The network „EMFL – European Magnetic Field Laboratory“ was launched in Nijmegen with a kick-off meeting on March 1.
- On March 28, the HZDR and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg [Freiberg University of Mining and Technology] concluded a cooperation agreement which is the basis of the joint establishment of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology.
- In order to cooperate closer in research, scientific development, and instruction, the HZDR signed a cooperation agreement with Chemnitz University of Technology on August 31.
- The HZDR could hardly wait for the timely submission of TU Dresden's [Dresden University of Technology] applications for the Federal Government’s Excellence Initiative which had to be handed in by September 1: The HZDR participates in a Cluster of Excellence and the Graduate School with which the university applied for subsidies.
- Six Helmholtz centers, including the HZDR, as well as other university and non university research institutions announced their cooperation in the Helmholtz Association’s portfolio topic “Accelerator Research and Development.” It focuses German competences in the development of accelerator technologies.
- The employees celebrated the HZDR’s membership in the Helmholtz Association with a festive annual reception at Dresden’s International Congress Center on April 29.
- In April and May, physics students from the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology] and participants from the Conference of the German Student Councils for Physics visited the HZDR.
- The cornerstones for the expansion of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory and the TOPFLOW+ facility were laid on July 6.
- The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research participated in the 11th Dresden Microelectronics Summer School for international students and doctoral candidates which was held at the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology] between September 5 and 9.
- The certificate awarded by the non-profit corporation berufundfamilie gGmbH honoring the HZDR’s family-friendly human resource policy was confirmed in September.
- In order to meet the increasing requirements for additional computing capacity in the scientific community, the HZDR’s Computing Center was rebuilt in the 50th year of its existence: The center was expanded and equipped with state-of-the-art air conditioning technology.
- The International Office commenced with its work. It assists foreign guests who need help in organizing and planning their stay.
- The HZDR launched a mentoring program for its junior researchers and international staff members. To assure an intensive exchange of ideas and experiences, every mentor assists and accompanies only one participant.
Junior Staff
Doctoral Candidates & Postdocs:
- Dr. Norbert Martin was one of the 19 young scientists who completed their dissertation in 2011. He developed an innovative procedure for the production and characterization of magnetic layers and elements which can be applied in magnetic storage technology. On March 15, 2012, he was presented with the HZDR Award for Doctoral Candidates for his dissertation.
- The HZDR’s annual Doctoral Students’ Seminar was held at the Sporthotel Rabenberg in the Ore Mountains in October. The program included presentations, a poster session, company presentations as well as social and sports activities.
- Old and new Young Investigators’ Groups: The commission that evaluates the Young Investigators’ Group “NanoBio,” which is headed by Dr. Katrin Pollmann, concluded that she managed to successfully create a very effectively work group within three years. Its members continue to conduct their research both at the Institute of Resource Ecology and the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology. According to the evaluation committee, the Young Investigators’ Group “CFD Development,” which is headed by Dr. Thomas Höhne, also managed to successfully complete its work; the group will now continue its work in the Accident Analysis Department. One new Helmholtz Young Investigators’ Group was established at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research: it is headed by Dr. Shengqiang Zhou and focuses on functional semiconductor materials. Another new Young Investigators' Group is dedicated to the spintronics sector which is currently researched with great intensity all around the globe. This group is headed by Dr. Alina Maria Deac.
Apprentices & Pupils:
- 14 new apprentices started their vocational training at the HZDR on August 16. Ahead of them is what 17 young women and men had just accomplished: Completing their apprenticeship with good or excellent results.
- On September 16, the annual VON ARDENNE Physics Awards were presented to graduates from Saxony’s secondary level Gymnasien. The top award which honors exceptional learning achievements went to Lucas Böttcher from Chemnitz for a Special Assignment on graphene surfaces.
- The President of the Helmholtz Association, Prof. Jürgen Mlynek, officially opened the School Lab DeltaX on October 18. The lab had already undergone a trial run since January. All told, about 1,000 pupils conducted experiments at the HZDR in 2011.
- Carolin Bulla completed her training as a technical draftsperson at the HZDR while Friedrich Pasch completed his education as an electronics technician for devices and systems. Both were the best in the state in their specific professions and were honored by the Saxon Chambers of Industry and Commerce Chemnitz, Dresden, and Leipzig along with 70 other young and skilled craftspersons on November 7.
For Tiny Toddlers:
- Researchers from the most diverse fields at the HZDR regularly visit the children’s day care center Hutbergstrolche in Dresden-Weißig where they host experimental afternoons. Both institutions work together within the scope of a cooperation agreement.
Events for the Public at Large
- On February 25, a teacher training on the topic “Cancer: Current Research in Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine” was held for specialized teachers from Saxony’s secondary level Gymnasien, middle schools, and vocational training centers. Due to the great interest, the training was repeated on October 28.
- On April 14, the HZDR participated in the nationwide Girls’ Day: Girls can inform themselves about the various career options available in research, particularly those professions which are considered to be typically male.
- Under the motto “Health Care Research at the HZDR,” the research center participated in Dresden’s Long Night of Sciences in the Lecture Center at the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology] on July 1.