Video Clips and Animations

Diverse and fascinating research in video clips: On this page we offer a selection of videos and three-dimensional animations that give an insight into the research at HZDR. All of our video clips can be downloaded, hyperlinked and used in accordance with our Terms of Use (German).

HZDR image film: A journey into the realm of knowledge

The HZDR in four and a half minutes: a journey into the realm of knowledge. The new image film of the HZDR was completed at the end of May 2022. In addition, there is a 30-second trailer. Image film and trailer were produced by the Dresden-based production company AVANGA and depict the HZDR's capabilities in their entirety. In total, filming took place at eight HZDR locations.

ThaXonian: Magnetic Axon Therapy

Scientists at the HZDR are pursuing a completely new approach to the therapy of the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - ALS for short. They are using a film to draw attention to their research and hope that this will also open up new sources of funding to continue the project “ThaXonian”.

The film was produced together with the Dresden-based film production company AVANGA.

Animation: Extreme conditions in the lab

Ultra-high temperatures, unimaginable pressure, enormous energies. Today, researchers can create such exotic conditions using the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF) at the High Energy Density Experiment Station of the European XFEL. The unique combination of two optical super lasers and the X-ray laser, European XFEL, enables unprecedented insights the structure of materials and into very fast natural processes in plasma physics. Researchers can, for example, improve models of planet formation and simulate processes in plasmas, thus advancing innovations in materials and accelerator research. Under the coordination of the HZDR and in cooperation with DESY, the German Electron Synchrotron, HIBEF combines equipment and expertise from around 60 research institutions from all over the world.

The animation was produced in 2021 in collaboration with the Science Communication Lab.

Animation: Extreme conditions in the lab

Alternative version: no speaker, with subtitles

The animation was produced in 2021 in collaboration with the Science Communication Lab.

Nanoelectronics: Highly Efficient Structures for Tomorrow's Information Technology

To manage the large data streams of the future we need new strategies and solutions that are more energy-efficient, which means avoiding the build-up of heat and enabling a faster data rate. At the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf research is focusing on one electron property in particular: the spin.

(03/2018 | This film was produced in cooperation with AVANGA Filmproduktion GmbH & Co. KG)

The HZDR from Above

Drone footage taken in early summer 2022 shows the HZDR campus in all its glory. Anyone who needs more footage from above is welcome to contact the Communications and Media Department.

This film was produced in cooperation with AVANGA Filmproduktion GmbH & Co. KG.

Image Film of the Saxon Ministry of Science, Education and the Arts: Research in Saxony

Saxony has to offer one of the densest research landscapes in Germany. Several universities, scientific institutes and research centers help to create a future worth living in.

Repository Research at HZDR. Sophisticated and Necessary

In this short film scientists at HZDR’s Institute of Resource Ecology present their work at our research sites in Dresden, Leipzig and Grenoble. For their investigations they use modern spectroscopic methods in order to acquire an understanding of processes at molecular level. When analyzing rock formations they also use positron emission tomography as an imaging technique. This important fundamental research is thus generating robust data which should help experts and politicians to identify potential locations for nuclear waste repositories.

Two Gold Awards

At the World Media Festival in Hamburg (Germany) in Mai 2016, this HZDR film won an "interdedia-globe Gold" in the "Research and Science" category, and in April 2016 the Remi Award in Gold (category: Nuclear / Energy Issues) at the 49th WorldFest in Houston.

(07/2015 | This film was produced in cooperation with AVANGA Filmproduktion GmbH & Co. KG)

From Research to Market – Short Film on Technology Transfer at HZDR

With the short film on technology transfer, the HZDR shows that it is aware of its social responsibility to bring the ideas and findings of its researchers from the laboratory to industrial application through active innovation management. In the film, the Scientific Director of the HZDR, Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt, emphasises the aspiration to find answers to the pressing questions of our time with research in the fields of health, energy and matter and to make an important contribution to the prosperity of society.

Source: HZDR/ significant pictures

More about technology transfer

Further video clips and animations

Foto: Titelbild Mediathek Forschungsanlagen ©Copyright: EMFL

Research Facilities at HZDR

Scientific research equipment of national and international importance is operated at the HZDR and as such the HZDR is coordinating member and partner of numerous collaborations and projects. In these films and animation, we present this equipment at HZDR.
Foto: Dr. Wolfgang Skorupa ©Copyright: Sächsische Staatskanzlei

HZDR Researchers Present Themselves

In these videos, scientists working at HZDR present themselves and their work—because science is, after all, a human endeavour.
Foto: Proton beam therapy ©Copyright: HZDR/AIFilm

Cancer Research

At HZDR, scientists specializing in medicine, physics, biology, IT and data sciences work together to crucially improve the treatment of cancer. Together with its numerous cooperation partners the research cen­ter offers researchers an outstanding infrastructure for cancer research that can hold its own internationally.
Foto: Titelbild Highlights-Film Calciumuranylcarbonat ©Copyright: nufan-Film

Energy and Resources Research

In the research field Energy and Resources, scientists are seeking to safeguard and assure both energy supplies and resources o­ver the long term in a sustainable manner in order to find economically and ecologically viable solutions for these challenges.
Foto: Titelbild Filme Materie und Materialien ©Copyright: nufan-Film

Mat­ter and Material­s Research

In Mat­ter and Material­s Research, materials are examined under extreme conditions – such as ­very high ­magnetic fields and ­very low temperatures – in order to improve conventional materials and to develop new ones.
Foto: Titelbild Mediathek Messtechnik für Industrie ©Copyright: HZDR

HZDR Technology Services for Your Business (in German)

At HZDR, ion-implantation services as well as innovative measurement methods are developed and are available to help businesses in industry, construction and manufacturing optimize their processes and break new ground. Disco­ver your opportunities for working with HZDR (in German).