Radiation protection information for operation of electrostatic accelerator at Ion Beam Center

Contact of all questions or problems regarding radiation protection is the radiation protection officer (German abbreviation: SSB). Usually Ulrich Kentsch is the SSB in charge. During his absence a deputy SSB is reponsible. Here you can see the current SSB in charge. The radiation protection engineer (Claudia Bischoff) and the professional expert on radiation protection (Sophie Worm) support the SSB at operational radiation protection.

At Ion Beam Center (IBC) the following installations for the generation of ionising radiation are operated in radiation protection areas:

  • 6-MV-AMS- and 3-MV-Tandetron-accelerator,
  • 2-MV-van-de-Graaff-accelerator,
  • 500-kV- and 100-kV-accelerator,
  • facility of implantation (DANFYS 1090-50).

Basic radiation protection rules for the access to radiation protection areas

The access to radiation protection areas and to building 710, room 502 is only allowed for persons, who:

  • wear dosimeters
    • occupationally-exposed persons: official dosimeter in all radiation protection areas
    • occupationally-exposed employees of the HZDR: electronic dosimeter in controlled areas
    • external persons (measurement guests, external company emloyees, visitors, etc.): electronic dosimeter in all radiation protection areas
  • have a valid radiation protection instruction
  • (in case of women) are not pregnant or nursing

Before entering the radiation protection areas, the responsible operator has to be informed!

Visitors have permanently to be accompanied by the SSB (or a person authorized by the SSB). The companion has to inform the visitor about the radiation safety rules by a short briefing. The rules about the access of visitors and the content of the short briefing are summarized on the poster in front of the dosimetry system in building 710, floor FE5. The SSB has to be informed before access of visitors. In addition, visitor groups (5 to 15 persons) have to be registered according to "Zutritts- und Zufahrtsordnung" (HZDR instruction K 243).

Eating, drinking and using cosmetics is not allowed in radiation protection areas of IBC. Smoking is forbidden in all buildings.

You can enter radiation protection areas through the entrance doors by using your activated HZDR ID card or HZDR guest card. The card activation is done by the SSB after the radiation protection instruction. You may use escape doors only in hazardous situation. All access doors and gates to the radiation protection areas must be kept closed.

Radiation protection instruction

Everyone who wants to work in radiation protection areas of IBC has to complete the "primary briefing for radiation protection Ion Beam Center (IBC)" via the instruction portal on HZDR homepage. The instruction certificate has to be printed, signed and sent via email to the SSB (Ulrich Kentsch). The radiation protection instruction including the test takes about 30 to 60 minutes and is valid for one year.

An annual presentation in December (invitation per email) refreshes the validity for another year. All persons working in radiation protection areas of IBC should take part in that presentation. If a participation is not possible, you have to complete the "repeated briefing for gradation protection Ion Beam Center" to refresh the instruction status. If you don´t have access to the instruction portal or GATE portal on HZDR homepage, you will get the radiation protection instruction from the SSB.

Application for a personal albedo dosimeter

HZDR staff members who wants to work in radiation protection areas get a personal albedo dosimeter. Please arrange a time with the SSB (Ulrich Kentsch) via email or by phone for the application for the albedo dosimeter.

For the application the SSB need:

  • your German Sozialversicherungsnummer or your social security number or your Radiation Protection Register number
  • original of the instruction certificate and
  • information about possible dose values from former employers.

Special radiation protection directive

The special radiation protection directive (German abbreviation: SSA) is valid for all radiation protection areas of IBC and room 502 in building 710. You have to observed his rules and instructions. The SSA exists only in German language.

Information for external guests

Following steps will be necessary, if you want to get access to radiation protection areas of IBC:

  • Please fill out the form "dose attestation" completely and send it as a scan via email to the SSB (Ulrich Kentsch). With this information he decides which kind of dosimeter(s) and radiation safety terms are necessary during your stay in radiation protection areas of IBC. If you have questions about the form, please contact the SSB.
  • Please do the radiation protection instruction via your HZDR-GATE-login. Before your first access to radiation protection areas of IBC you have to do the "primary briefing for radiation protection Ion Beam Center (IBC)", before your repeated access please do the "repeated briefing for radiation protection Ion Beam Center (IBC)". The instruction certificate has to be printed, signed and sent via email to the SSB (Ulrich Kentsch). The instruction including a test takes about 30 to 60 minutes and is valid for one year.
    For questions regarding your GATE-Login please contact the responsible Beamline-Scientist or your local HZDR contact. If you don´t have access to the instruction portal or GATE-Portal on HZDR homepage, you will get a radiation protection instruction from the SSB.

The mentioned documents have to be available at the latest 2 weeks before the beginning of your stay. Only if the documents are complete, your HZDR ID card or HZDR guest card will be activated for the access to radiation protection areas of IBC by the SSB. Without the documents, your access is not possible.


Maintenance (of infrastructure and accelerator facilities) must be registered in "Wartungsmonitor". The maintenance work may only be carried out after the agreement of the SSB.