Data Acquisition Manual: How to run Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence Measurements at γELBE
DAQ preparations:
To run the NRF DAQ you have to do some preparations:
1. |
Start MBS: |
login to RIO3-3: |
ssh rio3-3 user name: nrfdaq password: *********** |
go to working directory |
cd mbsrun/nrfexp/NRF
start MBS prompter |
mbs |
initialise MBS |
@start |
2. |
Start OPC interface program:
login to RIO3-3 (in another terminal window) |
ssh rio3-3 user name: nrfdaq password: *********** |
go to working directory |
cd mbsrun/nrfexp/NRF |
start "shared memory to file" task |
./shm2file |
login to fwkdaq1 (in another terminal window) |
ssh nrfdaq@fwkdaq1 password: *********** |
go to working directory |
cd mbsrun/nrfexp/NRF/OPCUA2file |
start "file to OPC server" task |
./OPCUA2file |
3. |
Start rawDispRFIO server and client: |
login to Zirkonia (in another terminal window) |
ssh -X nrfdaq@zirkonia password: *********** |
go to data directory |
cd /data2/nrfdaq/XXX |
start rawDispRFIO server |
In MBS: |
connect to RFIO server |
connect rfio zirkonia -disk
4. |
Start LEA: |
login to ZIRKONIA |
ssh -X nrfdaq@zirkonia password: *********** |
go to working directory |
cd lea/nrfexp/XXX |
set system variables |
source lealogin
start LEA |
lea -pro pas -men |
choose right settings |
Source: MBS samples Input file/node: rio3-3 |
5. |
Start MC2:
login to FWK198 |
fwk198 |
start MC2 |
Running the DAQ:
Note: "XXX" denotes the current experiment (e.g. "115In") and "00xx" the current run number.
in LEA |
in MBS |
clear histograms |
Histograms -> Clear -> Clear* |
start analysis |
click Analyze events |
open list mode file |
open file size=900 -auto -rfio if it is the first file enter: open file /data2/nrfdaq/XXX/filename_.lmd first=1 size=900 -auto -rfio |
start acquisition |
sta acq |
wait 3 hours
... |
stop acquisition |
stop acq |
close list mode file |
close file |
dump histograms |
Histograms -> Dump/Restore -> Dump small window opens: Hist: * Press ENTER File pref: XXX_00xx (current number) Press ENTER Dump Quit (press "Quit" button, do not klick on X)
save database |
Data base -> Save new /home/nrfdaq/lea/nrfdaq/XXX/XXX_00xx.bas
in MC2 |
in Windows Explorer
Create a new directory XXX-00xx (Right click -> "Neuer Ordner" in Z:\XXX\) |
in MC2 windows |
Change directory name to XXX-00xx Change file name to XXX-00xx Press "Apply" button Reset spectra (Column "R" in the detector list) Start acquisition (green arrow in the top command line) |
wait 3 hours |
... |
in MC2 windows |
Stop acquisition (red square in the top command line)
If any problem occurs:
Problem |
Solution |
- rawDispRFIO server cannot be started
- message "Address already in use"
- start rawDispRFIO at another port
- use command "rawDispRFIO 1320" (or different port number) to start server
- and "connect rfio zirkonia:1320 -disk" to connect to server
- opening of new lmd file fails
- check if enough disk space is left on zirkonia
- "df -h" should show some GByte for /hdd1
- if not: move some files to network drives (e.g. /net/cns/projects/astro/nuclei/XXX)
- or enable write access to lmd directoy for all
(because rawDispRFIO server was started by different user)
- cd /data2/nrfdaq
- chmod a+w XXX
- logbook table got completely filled
- LEA histogram dump window doesn't pop up
- use command history (upper left part of "LEA Anylysis Control" window
- click on last "dump histogram ..." command
- change file name in "LEA>" prompt and press ENTER
- stop acq
- @stop
- exit (if it does n't work: CTRL + C)
- resl (2x)
- mbs
- @start
- if there is a message saying something about zombies (repeat maybe several times):
- stop task -zombie
- @stop
- exit
- resl (2x)
- mbs
- @start
- sta acq
- RIO disconnects
- message "connection closed by foreign host" in MBS terminal window
- reconnect to RIO (Setup step 1.) without "@start"
- if mbs is still running, no MBS messages will appear (i.e. connection to RIO was lost)
- stop measurement regularly ("stop acq" and "close file")
- run procedure for error "DAQ crashes" (see above)
- if mbs is not running, usual MBS messages will appear (i.e. RIO rebooted)
- restart scaler readout program (Setup step 2.)
- reconnect to rawDispRFIO server (Setup step 3., last point)
- RIO freezes or shuts down
- switch of VME crate
- by going to electronics container
- wait shortly and switch iton again
- perform restart (see "RIO disconnects")
- any other problem related to data acquisition, electronics or detectors
- call Ronald Schwengner or Roland Beyer