Scientific program (final version)
Times for the talks are given including questions.
Monday, 11.11.2019 Welcome and introduction ChETEC Workshop
11:30 - 13:30 Registration at HZDR main entrance.
11:30 - 13:30 Lunch in HZDR cafeteria (non-Dresden participants will receive lunch tickets for Monday + Tuesday).
Location of the workshop: HZDR Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstr. 400, 01328 Dresden
Building 620, room 018 (basement)
13:30 - 15:20: General information, past experience, guiding questions (1)
- Welcome and introduction (15', Daniel Bemmerer, HZDR, and Konrad Schmidt, TU Dresden)
- H2020 infrastructure initiatives at HZDR: examples and lessons learnt by the example of CALIPSOplus (20', Barbara Schramm, HZDR)
- ChETEC COST Action 2017-2021: Successes, collaborations including IRENA, and room for improvement (20', Raphael Hirschi, Keele)
- Particle physics outreach in "Netzwerk Teilchenwelt" as a blueprint for nuclear astrophysics outreach (20', Anne Rockstroh, TU Dresden)
- Lessons from the failed ELEMENTGENESIS starting community bid in 2016 and guiding questions for inputs to a new research infrastructure network (25', Daniel Bemmerer, HZDR)
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break.
16:00 - 16:40: Selected physics cases
- The standard solar model: state of the art and way forward (20', Aldo Serenelli, Barcelona)
- s-process nucleosynthesis studies (20', Camilla Hansen, Heidelberg)
16:40 - 18:00: Possible inputs to a new research infrastructure network (1)
- Medium-sized astronomical telescopes (15', Arunas Kucinskas, Vilnius)
- Observation campaigns for a nuclear astrophysics network (15', Andreas Korn, Uppsala)
- Mass spectrometry facilities (15' Maria Peto, Budapest)
- Small experimental nuclear astrophysics facilities (15', Zsolt Fülöp, Atomki)
18:15 Bus transfer to Dresden city center.
19:00 Optional walking tour of Dresden city center
- Meet in front of the hotel IBIS.
20:00 Conference dinner
- Location: Augustiner Dresden, An der Frauenkirche 16/17.
- Participants are responsible for paying their own meal.
Tuesday, 12.11.2019
08:00 Bus transfer from Dresden city center to workshop venue Rossendorf.
09:00 - 09:15: General information and past experience (2)
- The ARIEL H2020 EURATOM network for education and learning (15', Arnd Junghans, HZDR)
09:15 - 10:30: Possible inputs to a new research infrastructure network (2)
- Nucleosynthesis work at Hull and facility presentation Hull University, UK (15', Richard Stancliffe)
- Medium-sized computing facilities (15', Tobias Fischer, Wroclaw)
- Neutron detector work (5', Rosanna Depalo, INFN Padova)
- Facility presentation PTB Braunschweig, Germany (5', Ralf Nolte)
- Facility presentation FRANZ Frankfurt, Germany (5', Kathrin Göbel)
- Facility presentation IFIN-HH Bucharest, Romania (5', Livius Trache)
- Facility presentation Uni Cologne, Germany (5', Felix Heim)
- Facility presentation INFN-LNS Catania, Italy (10', Marco La Cognata)
- Facility presentation VERA AMS Vienna, Austria (5', Robin Golser)
- Facility presentation DREAMS AMS Dresden, (5', Anton Wallner)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break.
11:00 - 12:15: Round table discussion
- Formal requirements for a new proposal (10', Barbara Schramm, HZDR)
- Suggested initial structure (5', Daniel Bemmerer, HZDR)
- Round table discussion (60')
12:15 Closure.
Lunch in HZDR cafeteria (non-Dresden participants will receive lunch tickets for Monday + Tuesday).