
Dr. René Hübner

Head Structural Analysis
Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Phone: +49 351 260 3174

Structure Analysis

The group Structure Analysis deals with the analysis of the structural, morphological, and chemical properties of nanostructured materials, in particular of (ion-modified) solid surfaces and thin film systems. For this purpose, analytical techniques using the interaction of electrons and X-ray beams with the nanomaterials are applied.

Foto: REM - reference ©Copyright: Dr. René Hübner

Electron microscopy laboratory

The use of electron microscopic analysis methods allows the visual characterization of the phase structure, morphology, and chemical composition of various materials and material systems with a resolution down to the atomic range.
Foto: X-ray diffractometer D8 ©Copyright: Dr. Fabian Ganss

X-ray Laboratory

X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray reflectometry (XRR) are used for the analysis of the structure of thin films and their interfaces. In addition, XRD is used for Phase analysis/ phase formation and lattice disortion in layer structures and XRR for Surface and interface roughness.

Group information:

Group members - Structural Analysis

Current group members