Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals or Books
before 2020
Ask the HZDR publication data base
Nezihovski, Y.; Barmak, I.; Gelfgat, A.; Horstmann, G. M.; Ullmann, A.; Brauner, N.
Experimental and numerical study of primary instability of a two-phase stratified flow in a circular pipe
International Journal of Multiphase Flow (2025), 105130
Stefani, F. ; Anders, S.; Eckert, S.; Freyer,N.; Gerbeth, G.; Giesecke, A.; Gundrum, T.; Kaever, P.; Kumar, V.; Pizzi, F.; Räbiger, D.; Šimkanin, J.; Steglich, C.; Vogt, T.; Wagner N. and Wedel, G.
The DRESDYN precession experiment
Comptes Rendus. Physique, Online first (2024), pp. 1-19 -
Giesecke, A.; Vogt, T.; Pizzi, F.; Kumar, V.; Garcia-Gonzalez, F.; Gundrum, T.; Stefani, F.
The global flow state in a precessing cylinder
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 998(2024), A30 -
Duczek, C.; Horstmann, G. M.; Ding, W.; Einarsrud, K. E.; Gelfgat, A. Y.; Godinez-Brizuela, O. E.; Kjos, O. S.; Landgraf, S.; Lappan, T.; Monrrabal Marquez, G.; Nash, W.; Personnettaz, P.; Sarma, M.; Sommerseth, C.; Trtik, P.; Weber, N.; Weier, T.
Fluid mechanics of Na-Zn liquid metal batteries
Appl. Phys. Rev. 11, 041326 (2024) -
Weber, N.; Duczek, C.; Monrrabal Marquez, G.; Nash, W.; Sarma, M.; Weier, T.
Risk assessment for Na-Zn liquid metal batteries
Open Research Europe 4(2024), 236 -
Sarma, M.; Lee, J.; Nash, W.; Lappan, T.; Shevchenko, N.; Landgraf, S.; Monrrabal Marquez, G.; Trtik, P.; Weber, N.; Weier, T.
Reusable Cell Design for High-Temperature (600 °C) Liquid Metal Battery Cycling
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 171(2024), 040531 -
Sieger, M.; Gudat, K.; Mitra, R.; Sonntag, S.; Stefani, F.; Eckert, S.; Wondrak, T.
Two-field excitation for contactless inductive flow tomography
Sensors 24(2024), 4458 -
J. Schmidtpeter; Proloy T. Das; Y. Zabila; C. Schubert; T. Gundrum; T. Wondrak
Exchange-Biased Multiring Planar Hall Magnetoresistive Sensors With Nanotesla Resolution in Nonshielded Environments
IEEE Magnetics Letters, vol. 15, pp. 1-5, 2024, Art no. 410020 -
Mitra, R.; Sieger, M.; Galindo, V.; Vogt, T.; Stefani, F.; Eckert, S.; Wondrak, T.
Design of a contactless inductive flow tomography system for a large Rayleigh-Bénard convection cell with aspect ratio Γ = 0.5
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 100(2024), 102709 -
Kim, N.; Schindler, F.; Vogt, T.; Eckert, S.
Thermal boundary layer dynamics in low-Prandtl-number Rayleigh–Bénard convection
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 994(2024), A4 -
Musso, M.; Bodo, G.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Rossi, P.; Mignone, A.
Evolution of current- and pressure-driven instabilities in relativistic jets
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 532(2024), 4810-4825 -
Mishra, A.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Seilmayer, M.; Stefani, F.
One-winged butterflies: mode selection for azimuthal magnetorotational instability by thermal convection
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 992(2024) R1 -
Mitra, R.; Stefani, F.; Galindo, V.; Eckert, S.; Sieger, M.; Vogt, T.; Wondrak, T.
Helicity oscillations in Rayleigh–Bénard convection of liquid metal in a cell with aspect ratio of 0.5
Physics of Fluids 36, 066611 (2024) - Stefani, F.
Liquid-metal experiments on geophysical and astrophysical phenomena
Nature Reviews Physics 6(2024), 409 - 425 -
Kumar, V.; Pizzi, F.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.; Barker, A. J.
Dynamo action driven by precessional turbulence
Physical Review E 109(2024)6, 065101 -
Held, L.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Pessah, M. E.
MRI turbulence in vertically stratified accretion discs at large magnetic Prandtl numbers
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530(2024)2, 2232-2250 -
Mishra, A.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Stefani, F.
Nonaxisymmetric modes of magnetorotational and possible hydrodynamical instabilities in the upcoming DRESDYN-MRI experiments: Linear and nonlinear dynamics
Physical Review Fluids 9(2024)3, 033904 -
Stefani, F.; Horstmann, G. M.; Klevs, M.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Weier, T.
Rieger, Schwabe, Suess-de Vries: The sunny beats of resonance
Solar Physics 299(2024), 51 -
Mutschke, G.; Weier, T.
Directed transfer of liquid metal droplets between electrodes
Nature Chemical Engineering 1(2024), 275-276 -
Horstmann, G. M.; Nezihovski, Y.; Gundrum, T.; Gelfgat, A.
Generation of interfacial waves by rotating magnetic fields
Physical Review Fluids 9(2024)5, 054801 -
Kumar, N.; Krause, L.; Wondrak, T.; Eckert, S.; Eckert, K.; Gumhold, S.
Robust Reconstruction of the Void Fraction from Noisy Magnetic Flux Density Using Invertible Neural Networks
Sensors 24(2024)4, 1213 -
Bieberle, M.; Gundrum, T.; Räbiger, D.; Bieberle, A.; Eckert, S.
3-D shape and velocity measurement of argon gas bubbles rising in liquid sodium by means of ultrafast X-ray CT imaging
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 95(2024), 102503 -
Timmel, K.; Shevchenko, N.; Fujita, K.; Tsukaguchi, Y.; Eckert, S.
X-ray imaging of two-phase flow regimes in a liquid metal swirling downward flow with side wall gas injection
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 55(2024), 550-564 -
Artem Skrypnik, Katie Cole, Tobias Lappan, Pablo R. Brito-Parada, Stephen J. Neethling, Pavel Trtik, Kerstin Eckert and Sascha Heitkam
Neutron radiography of an anisotropic drainage flow
Physical Review E 109, 014609 (2024) -
Murakawa, H.; Maeda, S.; Eckert, S.
Effects of a horizontal magnetic field on the cross-sectional distribution of gas bubbles chain rising in a gallium alloy
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 170(2024), 104649 -
Birjukovs, M.; Zvejnieks, P.; Klevs, M.; Jakovics, A.; Lappan, T.; Heitkam, S.; Trtik, P.; Mannes, D.; Eckert, S.
Particle tracking velocimetry and trajectory curvature statistics for particle-laden liquid metal flow in the wake of a cylindrical obstacle
Experiments in Fluids 65(2024), 67 -
Gelfgat, A. Y.; Horstmann, G. M.
Electrocapillary, thermocapillary, and buoyancy convection driven flows in the Melcher–Taylor experimental setup
Physical Review Fluids 9(2024), 044101
Krause, L.; Skibińska, K.; Rox, H.; Baumann, R.; Marzec, M. M.; Yang, X.; Mutschke, G.; Żabiński, P.; Lasagni, A. F.; Eckert, K.
Hydrogen Bubble Size Distribution on Nanostructured Ni Surfaces: Electrochemically Active Surface Area Versus Wettability
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 15(2023)14, 18290-18299 -
Rigas, K.; Willers, B.; Eckert, S.; Glaser, B.
Vibrations Analysis of Bubble Evolution in Liquids of Varying Physical Properties
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 55 (2023), 229 - 241 -
Teimurazov, A.; Singh, S.; Su, S.; Eckert, S.; Shishkina, O.; Vogt, T.
Oscillatory large-scale circulation in liquid-metal thermal convection and its structural unit
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 977(2023), A16-1-A16-27 -
Krauter, N.; Onea, A. A.; Gerbeth, G.; Eckert, S.
Eddy Current Flow Meter Measurements in liquid Sodium at high Temperatures
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 9(2023), 041301 -
Bautista, A.; Saez-Maderuelo, A.; Monrrabal Marquez, G.; Ruiz-Lorenzo, M. L.; Perosanz, F. J.; Maffiote, C.; Volpe,
Surface Characterization and Electrochemical Behavior of AISI 316l Stainless Steel Machined with Green Supercritical CO₂ Coolant
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2023) -
Wondrak, T.; Sieger, M.; Mitra, R.; Schindler, F.; Stefani, F.; Vogt, T.; Eckert, S.
Three-dimensional flow structures in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection at low Prandtl number Pr = 0.03
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 974(2023), A48 -
Su, S.; Niu, T.; Vogt, T.; Eckert, S.
In-bulk temperature profile mapping using Fiber Bragg Grating in fluids
Sensors 23(2023)20, 8539 -
Rigas, K.; Willers, B.; Eckert, S.; Glaser, B.
Investigations on Vibrational Interpretations of Bubbles in Metal-Making Processes
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 54(2023), 2023-2105 -
Kumar, S.; Ding, W.; Hoffmann, R.; Sieuw, L.; Heinz, M. V. F.; Weber, N.; Bonk, A.
AlCl3-NaCl-ZnCl2 Secondary Electrolyte in Next-Generation ZEBRA (Na-ZnCl2) battery
Batteries 9(2023)8, 401 -
Klevs, M.; Stefani, F.; Jouve, L.
A synchronized two-dimensional α–Ω model of the solar dynamo
Solar Physics 298(2023), 90 -
Fan, X.; Shevchenko, N.; Tonry, C.; Clark, S. J.; Atwood, R. C.; Eckert, S.; Pericleous, K.; Lee, P. D.; Kao, A.
Controlling Solute Channel Formation using Magnetic Fields
Acta Materialia 256(2023), 119107 -
Stefani, F.; Beer, J.; Weier, T.
No evidence for absence of solar dynamo synchronization
Solar Physics 298, 83 (2023) -
Herreman, W.; Wierzchalek, L.; Horstmann, G. M.; Cappanera, L.; Nore, C.
Stability theory for metal pad roll in cylindrical liquid metal batteries
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 962(2023)A6 -
Gundrum, T.; Forbriger, J.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Schnauck, S.; Stefani, F.; Wosnitza, J.
Alfvén wave experiments with liquid rubidium in a pulsed magnetic field
Magnetohydrodynamics 58(2023)4, 389-395 -
Pizzi, F.; Giesecke, A.; Simkanin, J.; Kumar, V.; Gundrum, T.; Stefani, F.
Numerical and theoretical framework for the DRESDYN precession dynamo experiment
Magnetohydrodynamics 58(2023)4, 445-453 -
Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Ogbonna, J. E.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
High dimensional tori and chaotic and intermittent transients in magnetohydrodynamic Couette flows
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 118(2023), 107030 -
Kumar, V.; Pizzi, F.; Giesecke, A.; Šimkanin, J.; Gundrum, T.; Ratajczak, M.; Stefani, F.
The effect of nutation angle on the flow inside a precessing cylinder and its dynamo action
Physics of Fluids 35(2023), 014114 -
Lappan, T.; Herting, D.; Ziauddin, M.; Stenzel, J.; Shevchenko, N.; Eckert, S.; Eckert, K.; Heitkam, S.
X-ray particle tracking velocimetry in an overflowing foam
Applied Sciences 13(2023)3, 1765 -
Ziauddin, M.; Schleicher, E.; Trtik, P.; Knüpfer, L.; Skrypnik, A.; Lappan, T.; Eckert, K.; Heitkam, S.
Comparing Wire-Mesh sensor with neutron radiography for measurement of liquid fraction in foam
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 51(2023)1, 015101 -
Sieger, M.; Mitra, R.; Glavinic, I.; Ratajczak, M.; Sonntag, S.; Gundrum, T.; Stefani, F.; Wondrak, T.; Eckert, S.
Kontaktlose induktive Strömungstomografie in grundlegender und angewandter Fluiddynamik
Technisches Messen 90 (2023) 5, 281-295 -
Horstmann, G. M.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Giesecke, A.; Zaqarashvili, T.; Stefani, F.
Tidally Forced Planetary Waves in the Tachocline of Solar-like Stars
Astrophysical Journal 944(2023)48 -
Duczek, C.; Weber, N.; Godinez-Brizuela, O. E.; Weier, T.
Simulation of potential and species distribution in a Li||Bi liquid metal battery using coupled meshes
Electrochimica Acta 437(2023), 141413 -
Weber, N.; Knüpfer, L.; Beale, S. B.; Lehnert, W.; Reimer, U.; Zhang, S.; Ferreira-Aparicio, P.; M. Chaparro, A.
Open-source computational model for polymer electrolyte fuel cells
OpenFOAM Journal 2(2023), 26-48
R. Mitra - M. Sieger - V. Galindo - F. Schindler - F. Stefani - T. Wondrak
Flow reconstruction in a Rayleigh-Bénard convection cell with an aspect ratio 0.5 by contactless inductive flow tomography
Magnetohydrodynamics 58, No. 1/2, 81-88, 2022 -
Neumann-Heyme, H.; Shevchenko, N.; Grenzer, J.; Eckert, K.; Beckermann, C.; Eckert, S.
In-situ measurements of dendrite tip shape selection in a metallic alloy
Physical Review Materials 6(2022), 063401 -
Pizzi, F.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Barker, A. J.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
Interplay between geostrophic vortices and inertial waves in precession-driven turbulence
Physics of Fluids 34(2022)12 -
Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Ogbonna, J. E.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
High dimensional tori and chaotic and intermittent transients in magnetohydrodynamic Couette flows
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 118(2023), 107030 -
Ogbonna, J. E.; Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Gundrum, T.; Seilmayer, M.; Stefani, F.
Dynamic transitions of the magnetized spherical Couette flow between its base state and the return flow instability
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1223(2022), 012004 -
Held, L.; Mamatsashvili, G.
MRI turbulence in accretion discs at large magnetic Prandtl numbers
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517(2022)2, 2309-2330 -
Pacio, J.; van Tichelen, K.; Eckert, S.; Wondrak, T.; Di Piazza, I.; Lorusso, P.; Tarantino, M.; Daubner, M.; Litfin, K.; Ariyoshi, G.; Obayashi, H.; Sasa, T.
Advanced thermal-hydraulic experiments and instrumentation for heavy liquid metal reactors
Nuclear Engineering and Design 399(2022), 112010 -
Wilbert, M.; Giesecke, A.; Grauer, R.
Numerical investigation of the flow inside a precession driven cylindrical cavity with additional baffles using an Immersed Boundary Method
Physics of Fluids 34(2022), 096607 -
Jüstel, P.; Röhrborn, S.; Eckert, S.; Galindo, V.; Gundrum, T.; Stepanov, R.; Stefani, F.
Synchronizing the helicity of Rayleigh-Bénard convection by a tide-like electromagnetic forcing
Physics of Fluids 34(2022)10, 104115 -
Birjukov, M.; Zvejnieks, P.; Lappan, T.; Sarma, M.; Heitkam, S.; Trtik, P.; Mannes, D.; Eckert, S.; Jakovics, A.
Particle tracking velocimetry in liquid gallium flow around a cylindrical obstacle
Experiments in Fluids 63(2022)6, 99 -
Weik, D.; Grüter, L.; Räbiger, D.; Singh, S.; Vogt, T.; Eckert, S.; Czarske, J.; Büttner, L.
Ultrasound Localization Microscopy in Liquid Metal Flows
Applied Sciences 12(2022)9, 4517 -
Glavinic, I.; Galindo, V.; Stefani, F.; Eckert, S.; Wondrak, T.
Contactless Inductive Flow Tomography for real-time control of electromagnetic actuators in metal casting
Sensors 22(2022)11, 4155 -
Blishchik, A.; Glavinic, I.; Wondrak, T.; van Odyck, D.; Kenjereš, S.
Effects of electrically conductive walls on turbulent magnetohydrodynamic flow in a continuous casting mold
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 95(2022), 108967 -
Glavinic, I.; Muttakin, I.; Abouelazayem, S.; Blishchik, A.; Stefani, F.; Eckert, S.; Soleimani, M.; Saidani, I.; Hlava, J.; Kenjereš, S.; Wondrak, T.
Laboratory Investigation of Tomography-Controlled Continuous Steel Casting
Sensors 22(2022)6, 2195 -
Hampel, U.; Babout, L.; Banasiak, R.; Schleicher, E.; Soleimani, M.; Wondrak, T.; Vauhkonen, M.; Lähivaara, T.; Tan, C.; Hoyle, B.; Penn, A.
A review on fast tomographic imaging techniques and their potential application in industrial process control
Sensors 22(2022)6, 2309 -
Zwirner, L.; S. Emran, M.; Schindler, F.; Singh, S.; Eckert, S.; Vogt, T.; Shishkina, O.
Dynamics and length scales in vertical convection of liquid metals
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 929(2022), A9 -
Schindler, F.; Eckert, S.; Zürner, T.; Schumacher, J.; Vogt, T.
Collapse of Coherent Large Scale Flow in Strongly Turbulent Liquid Metal Convection
Physical Review Letters 128(2022)16 -
Röhrborn, S.; Jüstel, P.; Galindo, V.; Gundrum, T.; Schindler, F.; Stefani, F.; Stepanov, R.; Vogt, T.
Analyzing a modulated electromagnetic m=2 forcing and its capability to synchronize the Large Scale Circulation in a Rayleigh-Bénard cell of aspect ratio Г = 1
Magnetohydrodynamics 58(2022)1/2 -
Bodo, G.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Rossi, P.; Mignone, A.
Current driven kink instabilities in relativistic jets: dissipation properties
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(2022)2, 2391-2406 -
Sarma, M.; Grants, I.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Gerbeth, G.
Feasibility of using contactless electromagnetic cavitation for steel composite manufacturing
Magnetohydrodynamics 58(2022)1, 47-54 -
Mishra, A.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Stefani, F.
From helical to standard magnetorotational instability: predictions for upcoming liquid sodium experiments
Physical Review Fluids 7(2022) -
Personnettaz, P.; Klopper, T. S.; Weber, N.; Weier, T.
Layer coupling between solutal and thermal convection in liquid metal batteries
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 188 (2022) 122555 -
Weber, N.; Duczek, C.; Horstmann, G. M.; Landgraf, S.; Nimtz, M.; Personnettaz, P.; Weier, T.; Sadoway, D. R.
Cell voltage model for Li-Bi liquid metal batteries
Applied Energy 309(2022), 118331 -
Wondrak, T.; Timmel, K.; Bruch, C.; Gardin, P.; Hackl, G.; Lachmund, H.; Bodo Lüngen, H.; Odenthal, H.-J.; Eckert, S.
Large-scale test facility for modeling bubble behavior and liquid metal two-phase flows in a steel ladle
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 53(2022), 1703-1720 -
Sieger, M.; Mitra, R.; Schindler, F.; Vogt, T.; Stefani, F.; Eckert, S.; Wondrak, T.
Challenges in Contactless Inductive Flow Tomography for Rayleigh-Bénard Convection Cells
Magnetohydrodynamics 58(2022)1/2, 25-32 -
Mushtaq, K.; Zhao, J.; Weber, N.; Mendes, A.; Sadoway, D. R.
Self-discharge mitigation in a liquid metal displacement battery
Journal of Energy Chemistry 66(2022), 390-396 -
Akashi, M.; Yanagisawa, T.; Sakuraba, A.; Schindler, F.; Horn, S.; Vogt, T.; Eckert, S.
Jump rope vortex flow in liquid metal Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a cuboid container of aspect ratio five
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 932(2022), A27 -
Zvejnieks, P.; Birjukovs, M.; Klevs, M.; Akashi, M.; Eckert, S.; Jakovics, A.
MHT-X: Offline Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with Algorithm X
Experiments in Fluids 63(2022)3, 55 -
Krauter, N.; Galindo, V.; Wondrak, T.; Eckert, S.; Gerbeth, G.
Eddy Current Flow Meter performance in liquid metal flows inclined to the sensor axis
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 8(2022)1, 011303
Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Stefani, F.; Dormy, E.
Weak branch and multimodal convection in rapidly rotating spheres at low Prandtl number
Physical Review Fluids 6(2021), 123501 -
Stefani, F.; Forbriger, J.; Gundrum, T.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Wosnitza, J.
Mode conversion and period doubling in a liquid rubidium Alfvén-wave experiment with coinciding sound and Alfvén speeds
Physical Review Letters 127(2021), 275001 -
Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
Modulated rotating waves and triadic resonances in spherical fluid systems: The case of magnetized spherical Couette flow
Physics of Fluids 33(2021), 044105 -
Pizzi, F.; Giesecke, A.; Simkanin, J.; Stefani, F.
Prograde and retrograde precession of a fluid-filled cylinder
New Journal of Physics 23(2021), 123016 -
Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Seilmayer, M.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
Intermittent chaotic flows in the weakly magnetised spherical Couette system
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 21(2021)1, e202100024 -
Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
Modulated rotating waves and triadic resonances in spherical fluid systems: The case of magnetized spherical Couette flow
Physics of Fluids 33(2021), 044105 -
Mishra, A.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Galindo, V.; Stefani, F.
Convective, absolute and global azimuthal magnetorotational instabilities
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 922(2021), R4 -
Liu, K.; Stefani, F.; Weber, N.; Weier, T.; Li, B.-W.
Transient Behaviour of Electro-Vortex Flow in a Cylindrical Container
Magnetohydrodynamics 57(2021)4, 437-448 -
Vakhrushev, A.; Kharicha, A.; Karimi-Sibaki, E.; Wu, M.; Ludwig, A.; Nitzl, G.; Tang, Y.; Hackl, G.; Watzinger, J.; Eckert, S.
Generation of Reverse Meniscus Flow by Applying An Electromagnetic Brake
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 52(2021), 3193-3207 -
Murakawa, H.; Tomoyuki, S.; Eckert, S.
Development of a high-speed ultrasonic tomography system for measurements of rising bubbles in a horizontal cross-section
Measurement 182(2021), 109654 -
Pizzi, F.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
Ekman boundary layers in a fluid filled precessing cylinder
AIP Advances 11(2021), 035023 -
Stefani, F.
Solar and anthropogenic influences on climate: Regression analysis and tentative predictions
Climate 9(2021)11, 163 -
Sarma, M.; Grants, I.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Gerbeth, G.
Contactless generation of cavitation in high temperature liquid metals and its impact on particle dispersion in solidified iron and steel samples
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 291(2021), 117041 -
Stefani, F.; Stepanov, R.; Weier, T.
Shaken and stirred: When Bond meets Suess-de Vries and Gnevyshev-Ohl
Solar Physics 296(2021)6, 88 -
Horstmann, G. M.; Anders, S.; Kelley, D.; Weier, T.
Formation of spiral waves in cylindrical containers under orbital excitation
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 925(2021), A28 -
Vogt, T.; Horn, S.; Aurnou, J.
Oscillatory thermal-inertial flows in liquid metal rotating convection
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911(2021)A5 -
Benard, S.; Weber, N.; Horstmann, G. M.; Landgraf, S.; Weier, T.
Anode-metal drop formation and detachment mechanisms in liquid metal batteries
Journal of Power Sources 510(2021), 230339 -
Nore, C.; Cappanera, L.; Guermond, J.-L.; Weier, T.; Herreman, W.
Feasibility of metal pad roll instability experiments at room temperature
Physical Review Letters 126(2021), 184501 -
Yang, J.; Vogt, T.; Eckert, S.
Transition from steady to oscillating convection rolls in Rayleigh-Bénard convection under the influence of a horizontal magnetic field
Physical Review Fluids 6(2021)2, 023502 -
Vogt, T.; Yang, J.; Schindler, F.; Eckert, S.
Free-fall velocities and heat transport enhancement in liquid metal magneto-convection
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915(2021)A68
Stefani, F.; Giesecke, A.; Seilmayer, M.; Stepanov, R.; Weier, T.
Schwabe, Gleissberg, Suess-de Vries: Towards a consistent model of planetary synchronization of solar cycles
Magnetohydrodynamics 56(2020)2-3, 269-280 -
Kolesnichenko, I.; Frick, P.; Eltishchev, V.; Mandrykin, S.; Stefani, F.
Evolution of a strong electrovortex flow in a cylindrical cell
Physical Review Fluids 5(2020), 123703 -
Garcia, F.; Seilmayer, M.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
Four-Frequency Solution in a Magnetohydrodynamic Couette Flow as a Consequence of Azimuthal Symmetry Breaking
Physical Review Letters 125(2020)26, 264501 -
Garcia, F.; Chambers, F. R. N.; Watts, A. L.
Deep model simulation of polar vortices in gas giant atmospheres
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499(2020)4, 4 -
Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Seilmayer, M.; Giesecke, A.; Stefani, F.
Chaotic wave dynamics in weakly magnetized spherical Couette flows
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30(2020), 043116 -
Vogt, T.; Horn, S.; Aurnou, J.
Oscillatory thermal-inertial flows in liquid metal rotating convection
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911(2021)A5 -
Abouelazayem, S.; Glavinic, I.; Wondrak, T.; Hlava, J.
Flow Control Based on Feature Extraction in Continuous Casting Process
Sensors 20(2020)23, 6880 -
Mamatsashvili, G.; Chagelishvili, George; Pessah, Martin E.; Stefani, F.; Bodo, Gianluigi
Zero Net Flux MRI Turbulence in Disks: Sustenance Scheme and Magnetic Prandtl Number Dependence
Astrophysical Journal 904(2020)1, 47 -
Ogbonna, J. E.; Garcia Gonzalez, F.; Gundrum, T.; Seilmayer, M.; Stefani, F.
Experimental investigation of the return flow instability in magnetic spherical Couette flow
Physics of Fluids 32(2020), 124119 -
Krauter, N.; Eckert, S.; Gundrum, T.; Stefani, F.; Wondrak, T.; Khalilov, R.; Dimov, R.; Frick, P.
Experimental validation of an inductive system for magnesium level detection in a titanium reduction reactor
Sensors 20(2020), 6798 -
Yang, J.; Vogt, T.; Eckert, S.
Transition from steady to oscillating convection rolls in Rayleigh-Bénard convection under the influence of a horizontal magnetic field
Physical Review Fluids 6(2021)2, 023502 -
Stefani, F.; Beer, J.; Giesecke, A.; Gloaguen, T.; Seilmayer, M.; Stepanov, R.; Weier, T.
Phase coherence and phase jumps in the Schwabe cycle
Astronomische Nachrichten 341(2020)6-7, 600-615 -
M. Chaparro, A.; Ferreira-Aparicio, P.; Folgado, M. A.; Hübscher, R.; Lange, C.; Weber, N.
Thermal neutron radiography of a passive proton exchange membrane fuel cell for portable hydrogen energy systems
Journal of Power Sources 480(2020), 228668 -
Jüstel, P.; Röhrborn, S.; Frick, P.; Galindo, V.; Gundrum, T.; Schindler, F.; Stefani, F.; Stepanov, R.; Vogt, T.
Generating a tide-like flow in a cylindrical vessel by electromagnetic forcing
Physics of Fluids 32(2020)9, 097105 -
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