X-ray and micro-focus X-ray computed tomography
X-ray tomography enables a non-invasive superposition-free visualisation of the density distribution in an object. Beside the slice-wise two-dimensional reconstruction with a conventional 2D CT setup it is today possible to employ cone-beam tomography by using a two-dimensional X-ray detector and applying cone-beam reconstruction algorithms. This enables reconstruction of the 3D structure of an object from a single tomographic measurement cycle. In the frame of research in thermal fluid dynamics we use X-ray radiography and tomography techniques for the measurement of gas and liquid hold-up in chemical vessels and experimental flow loops.
The Institute of Fluid Dynamics utilizes different X-ray devices for various application areas. These comprise a conventional X-ray system, a micro-focus X-ray assembly and some ultrafast X-ray CT setups. These systems are being used for radiography, radioscopy and cone-beam tomography and of small and medium sized vessels thereby achieving spatial resolutions from 0.5 mm down to 5 µm. Conventional X-ray system with two X-ray radiators, 2D detector and object manipulation stage |
Gas hold-up distribution in a stirred reactor with gas inducing turbine (measured with conventional cone-beam CT, spatial resolution approx. 0.5 mm) |
Highest spatial resolutions are achievable by employing a micro-focus X-ray system. Such a system is used for measurements on small objects and in micro-fluidic applications (crystallisation processes, capillary flows, micro structure tomography).
Liquid phase in the capillaries of a monolith catalyst (microfocus CT, spatial resolution approx. 3 µm) |
Per-reviewed journal articles:
M. Schubert, A. Bieberle, F. Barthel, S. Boden, U. Hampel
Advanced Tomographic Techniques for Flow Imaging in Columns with Flow Distribution Packings
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 83(2011), 979-991. -
U. Hampel, J. Otahal, S. Boden, M. Beyer, E. Schleicher, W. Zimmermann, M. Jicha
Miniature conductivity wire-mesh sensor for gas-liquid two-phase flow measurement
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 20(2009), 15-21. -
S. Boden, M. Bieberle, G. Weickert, U. Hampel
Three-dimensional analysis of macroporosity distributions in polyolefin particles using X-ray microtomography
Powder Technology 188(2008), 81-88. -
S. Boden, M. Bieberle, U. Hampel
Quantitative measurement of gas hold-up distribution in a stirred chemical reactor using X-ray cone-beam computed tomography
Chemical Engineering Journal 139(2008), 351-362. -
H. V. Hristov, S. Boden, U. Hampel, H. Kryk, G. Hessel, W. Schmitt
A study on the two-phase flow in a stirred tank reactor agitated by a gas-inducing turbine
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 86(2008), 75-81.
Conference contributions:
H. V. Hristov, S. Boden, U. Hampel, H. Kryk, W. Schmitt, G. Hessel
Experimental and numerical assessment of the phase distribution in a stirred tank reactor agitated by a gas-inducing turbine
DECHEMA 2006 - GVC/DECHEMA-Jahrestagungen 2006, Rhein-Main-Hallen, Wiesbaden, 26.-28.09.2006, Wiesbaden, Germany
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 78(2006), 1274. -
S. Boden, M. Bieberle, U. Hampel
Measurement of porosity in polyolefin particles using X-ray microtomography
Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Process Tomography, Warzaw, Sept. 2006. -
H. V. Hristov, S. Boden, U. Hampel, H. Kryk, W. Schmitt, G. Hessel
Experimental and CFD analysis of a stirred tank reaction mechanically agitated by gas-inducing turbine
Proceedings 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA, 27.-31.08.2006, Praha, Czech Republic. -
H.V. Hristov, S. Boden, U. Hampel, H. Kryk, W. Schmitt, G. Hessel
CFD simulations and X-ray measurements of the local gas hold-up in a stirred tank reactor agitated by a gas-inducing turbine
ANSYS-FZD Multiphase Flow: Simulation, Experiment and Application, 26.-29.06.2006, Dresden, Germany. -
M. Schubert, S. Boden, U. Hampel, R. Lange
Untersuchung der Mehrphasenströmung in Trickle-Bed Reaktoren mittels Röntgenradiographie und –tomographie
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 77(2005), 1215. -
S. Boden, U. Hampel, M. Speck
Quantitative Measurement of Gas Distributions in a Stirred Chemical Reactor with Cone-Beam X-ray Computed Tomography
Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Aizu, Japan, Sept. 2005, 813-818.
Miscellaneous publications:
S. Boden, U. Hampel, M. Speck
Cone-beam X-ray tomography of a batch reactor with gassing stirrer
Institute of Safety Research, Annual Report, FZR-420, 45-52, 2004. -
S. Boden
Computertomographische Untersuchung von Phasenverteilungen in chemischen Rührkesselreaktoren
Diplomarbeit, Fakultät Elektrotechnik, TU Dresden, 2004.