
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Uwe Hampel

Director Institute of Fluid Dynamics
Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics
Phone: +49 351 260 2772

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X-ray and micro-focus X-ray computed tomography

X-ray tomography enables a non-invasive superposition-free visualisation of the density distribution in an object. Beside the slice-wise two-dimensional reconstruction with a conventional 2D CT setup it is today possible to employ cone-beam tomography by using a two-dimensional X-ray detector and applying cone-beam reconstruction algorithms. This enables reconstruction of the 3D structure of an object from a single tomographic measurement cycle. In the frame of research in thermal fluid dynamics we use X-ray radiography and tomography techniques for the measurement of gas and liquid hold-up in chemical vessels and experimental flow loops.

The Institute of Fluid Dynamics utilizes different X-ray devices for various application areas. These comprise a conventional X-ray system, a micro-focus X-ray assembly and some ultrafast X-ray CT setups. These systems are being used for radiography, radioscopy and cone-beam tomography and of small and medium sized vessels thereby achieving spatial resolutions from 0.5 mm down to 5 µm.

Conventional X-ray system with two X-ray radiators, 2D detector and object manipulation stage
Conventional X-ray system with two X-ray radiators, 2D detector and object manipulation stage

Gas hold-up distribution in a stirred reactor with gas inducing turbine
Gas hold-up distribution in a stirred reactor with gas inducing turbine (measured with conventional cone-beam CT, spatial resolution approx. 0.5 mm)

Highest spatial resolutions are achievable by employing a micro-focus X-ray system. Such a system is used for measurements on small objects and in micro-fluidic applications (crystallisation processes, capillary flows, micro structure tomography).

Micro focus X-ray system
Micro focus X-ray system
Macropores in a nascent polyolefin particle
Macropores in a nascent polyolefin particle
(microfocus CT, spatial resolution approx. 3 µm)
Liquid phase in the capillaries of a monolith catalyst
Liquid phase in the capillaries of a
monolith catalyst (microfocus CT,
spatial resolution approx. 3 µm)


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