
Dr. Roland Beyer

Beam line scientist, radiation protection officer FWK
Nuclear Physics
Phone: +49 351 260 3281

Data Acquisition Manual: How to run Neutron Time of Flight Measurements at nELBE

Here you can find the manuals, telling you how to run neutron time of flight experiments in the different modes:

  • NRF DAQ for nuclear resonance fluorescence measurements at γELBE
  • Monitor DAQ to monitor the beam intensity using one scanner plastic
  • Transmission DAQ to measure the total neutron cross sections
  • Double-ToF DAQ for Inelastic Scattering Experiments to measure triple differential neutron inelastic scattering cross sections with BaF2 and plastic scintillators
  • (n,n'g) DAQ for inelastic scattering experiments to measure photon production cross sections with HPGe and LaBr3 detectors
  • Fission DAQ for experiments to measure neutron induced fission cross sections with fission chambers
  • (n,n) DAQ for elastic scattering experiments using Li-glass scintillators