Annual Report 2008
of the research center Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf


Last year, the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) recommended that the research center Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) should become a member of the Helmholtz Association, which certainly was the most important event for the FZD in 2008. Shortly after that, the first “Helmholtz evening” in Dresden took place on September 5th, 2008, with representatives from science, economy, politics and culture. The transition of the research center from the Leibniz to the Helmholtz Association is planned for January 1st, 2011.

Being a member of the Leibniz Association, the FZD with its three research programs Advanced Materials Research, Cancer Research and Nuclear Safety Research has become a modern research center. Now, this is also visible from outside: During the last one and a half years, a new and modern entrance and logistics building was erected, together with a new road leading onto the FZD campus. FZD employees took up their work in the new building in December 2008. If you want to know what else happened in the last year, have a look at the following webpages which provide information on “events”, “awards” and “junior staff” at the FZD as well as giving an overview of the most important “facts and figures“ about the FZD.

Last year, those FZD scientists working at the Rossendorf Beamline (ROBL), which is installed at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France, celebrated the 10th anniversary of their beamline. ROBL is one of the six large-scale facilities of the FZD, enabling radiochemical as well as materials science research. ROBL and most of the other large-scale facilities are also known as European user facilities since they are not only used by FZD, but also by non-FZD researchers, which is funded by the European Union.

At the European level, the interlinking of these user facilities plays an increasingly important role, and Rossendorf scientists participate actively in a European research infrastructure: For example, the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) takes part in the project “EuroMagnNET II”, which unites the leading facilities of this kind in Europe. Since March 2009, the FZD has been coordinating the “SPIRIT” project, a network of the top eleven ion-beam facilities in Europe. The relatively young platform SNE-TP (“Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform”) aims at coordinating European research and development activities in the field of nuclear technology. Prof. Frank-Peter Weiss, director of the Institute of Safety Research at the FZD, is a member of the Governing Board of this new platform.

Prof. Dr. Roland Sauerbrey Dr. Dr. h. c. Peter Joehnk
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Roland Sauerbrey
Scientific Director
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Peter Joehnk
Administrative Director


Doktorandin im Ionenstrahlzentrum am Niederenergie Implanter facts and figures general information about the FZD
Inbetriebnahme Draco 2008 events events in 2008
Jahresempfang 2009 / Verleihung der FZD-Preise awards prizes awarded to FZD staff, including FZD awards / appointments as professors, visiting professors as well as honorary degrees
Julia Hoffmann junior staff diploma and PhD students / trainees - support of junior staff at the FZD

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