Available ion beam analysis techniques at the Ion Beam Center
In principle all elements of the periodic table can be analysed by ion beam analysis (IBA). Which method to choose for a particular problem, dependents on the actual matter of interest.
Typical application field of ion beam analysis are amongst others:
- Semiconductor materials
- Solar cells
- Glasses
- Metals
- Special and compound materials
- Coatings
- Biomedical materials
- Arts and cultural heritage
- Geological samples
- Archaeometry
If you are unsure which method is suitable for you, please contact us for help.
RBS. Copyright: S. Merchel
Rutherford-Backscattering-Spectrometry - RBS
- High detection sensitivity for heavy elements in a light matrix or on a light substrate
- Blind for light elements in a heavy matrix or on a heavy substrate
- Quantitative und standard-free method with an accuracy of < 1%
- Employing channeling for damage measurements in single crystals
Typical parameters
- Analysable elements: O to U
- Detection limits:
(highly depending on element/matrix combination)- < 0.1 atom-% up to several atom-% in volume
- 1012 atoms/cm2 up to 1015 atoms/cm2 as thin films
- Analysing depth: ~ micrometres
- Depth resolution: < 5 nm using standard silicon detectors
- Medium Energy Ion Scattering (MEIS) as special application with a depth resolution of about 1 nm
ERD © S. Merchel
Elastic recoil detection - ERD
- High detection sensitivity for light elements in a heavy matrix or on a heavy substrate
- Blind for heavy elements in a light matrix
- Quantitative und standard-free method with an accuracy of ~1%
Typical parameters
Analysable elements: H, B-S, Cl-U
Detection limits: < 0.1 atom-% up to >1 atom-% (in the presence of heavy elements)
- Analysing depth (max.): 0.5 - 0.75 μm
- Depth resolution: ~ 20 nm
NRA © S. Merchel
Nuclear reaction analysis - NRA
- Selective detection of light elements
- Isotope sensitive
- Trace element distributions
Typical parameters
- Analysable elements: H to F
- Lateral resolution:1 - 100 mm2
- Detection limits:
- < 0.02 atom-% (H)
- 0.05 atom-% (D to F)
- Analysing depth: up to 5 µm (matrix-dependent)
- Depth resolution:
- ~ 8 nm (in Si)
- 1 nm (grazing incidence)
PIXE-PIGE © S. Merchel
Particle induced X-Ray and Gamma- Emission - PIXE/PIGE
- Non-destructive
- Simultaneous multi-element
- In vacuum or in air
Typical parameters
- Analysable elements: Li to U
- Detection limits: > 0.001 atom-%
- Analysing depth (max.): 0.5 - 5 µm
2D elemental distributions measured by µ-PIXE on a seabed sample (3 MeV proton beam, beam spot 4x7 µm², total size 1x1 mm²). Clearly observable are pyrites (FeS2), partly inside a potassium and silicon shell.© F. Munnik
Ion microprobe
- Lateral element distributions or depth profiles in lateral resolution of some µm's using PIXE, RBS, RBS/C, ERD and/or NRA
- Quantitative und standard-free method with an accuracy of < 5%
Typical parameters
- Analysable elements: depending on applied technique (see above)
- Lateral resolution:
- > 1 x 1 µm2
- > 10 x 10 µm2 (channeling)
- Scanning area: < some mm2
- Detection limits:
- 0.2 atom-% (H & B-F)
- > 0.001 atom-% (for Al to U)
- Analysing depth (max.): 1 µm (matrix-dependent)
- Depth resolution: ~ 20 nm
"Gamma"-Resonance © D.Grambole
Non-desctructive quantitative Hydrogen Analysis
The method uses the nuclear reaction
15N + 1H -> 12C + 4He + γ (4,43 MeV)
With this Resonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis (RNRA) hydrogen concentrations can be obtained from near surface layers of solids without a standard by measuring of the γ-rays. Because of the narrow resonance at the 15N-energy of 6.385 MeV the depth in the material where the reaction takes place can be varied by increasing the incidence energy for obtaining a depth profile.
Properties of the hydrogen analysis beamline:
- Incident beam: 15N2+
- Energy: 6.3 - 12 MeV
- Beam current: 10 - 50 nA
Experimental Setup © D. Grambole
- Beam spot: 1 - 100 mm2
- Detection limit: 0,02 at% (200 ppm)
- Analysing depth: up to 5 µm (depending on material)
- Depth resolution: about 8 nm (Si), minimal 1 nm (grazing incidence )
- Measured quantity: yield of the 4,43 MeV γ-rays
- Detector: 4" x 4 " BGO