
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wosnitza

Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Phone: +49 351 260 3524

Julia Blöcker

Secretary/ Administration,
Phone: +49 351 260 3527

Nicole Zimmermann

Phone: +49 351 260 3535


3D Tour of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Foto: Startpunkt 360-Grad-Tour durch das Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden ©Copyright: Dr. Bernd Schröder

Publikation: Giant magnetocaloric effect in a rare-earth-free layered coordination polymer at liquid hydrogen temperatures

Levinsky, J. J. B. et al., Nat. Comm. 15 (2024), 8559

Publication: Experimental observation of repulsively bound magnons

Wang, Z. et al., Nature 631 (2024), 760-764

Publication: Quantum Interference between Quasi-2D Fermi Surface Sheets in UTe2

Weinberger, T. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024), 266503

Publication: Pressure-tuned quantum criticality in the large-D antiferromagnet DTN

Povarov, K. et al., Nat. Comm. 15 (2024), 2295

Newsletter: Read the latest news from the four leading high field labs in Europe on the EMFL website.

Foto: EMFL News 4/2024 ©Copyright: EMFL

Video: EMFL - Science in High Magnetic Fields

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Fields for Science: Research at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory

How do matter and materials behave under the influence of strong fields and in smallest dimensions?

A HLD technician with a magnet

In the Helmholtz research sector “Matter,” the basic components of matter and the forces interacting between them are investigated on all microscopic and macroscopic length scales. For this purpose scientists make use of special large-scale research infrastructures of the Helmholtz Association that allow unique measurements under extreme sample conditions. The researchers are developing innovative solutions for the great challenges of our society by investigating novel materials, whose functional properties are often determined by quantum effects.

The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) performs experiments at very high magnetic fields. With the application of high magnetic fields, material properties may be modified and controlled. In consequence, experiments at such extreme sample conditions have both the potential to decipher the fundamental properties of novel materials and to advance science in general as well as to optimize functional materials in order to make use of them for future applications.

The research work is integrated into the research program "From Matter to Materials and Life" of the Helmholtz Association. In this context the researchers at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) are developing unique pulse-field technologies which find application both in the HLD user laboratories and in industry as well.

The institute works on the following topics:

Foto: Program "From Matter to Materials and Life" ©Copyright: BengsIn-House Research on Structure, Dynamics and Function of Matter

Matter > From Matter to Materials and Life

Foto: A young scientist using highest magnetic fields at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the HZDR ©Copyright: HZDRIn our daily lives, we encounter a very large number of materials with different functionalities and which are relevant to the key issues of our modern society. The HZDR investigates in mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of such materials which usually have to be optimized for specific applications. More

Foto: Program "From Matter to Materials and Life" ©Copyright: BengsResearch with Highest Electromagnetic Fields

Matter > From Matter to Materials and Life

Foto: Capacitor bank ©Copyright: HZDRIn virtually every research field, scientists rely on large-scale facilities for investigating the structural, chemical, physical, and biological properties of materials. The HZDR is committed to continuously developing and improving these large scientific instruments for creating an excellent research environment. More