
Simon Schmitt

Head Communication & Media Relations
Science Editor
Communication & Media Relations
Phone: +49 351 260 3400

Calendar of Events 2010

Verleihung des Forschungspreises 2009 durch Sachsens Wissenschaftsministerin Prof. Sabine von Schorlemer


Saxon State Minister of Science Awards Prizes
Within the scope of the annual reception on January 25, Saxony’s State Minister of Science, Prof. Sabine von Schorlemer, lauds and bestows awards to last year’s best performances achieved at the HZDR in the sectors research, technology, and communication with the public at large as well as the best dissertation. 

New Research Site
Since January 1, the HZDR has a new research site in Leipzig. The scientists of the former Institute of Interdisciplinary Isotope Research, who will be integrated into the HZDR on the recommendation of the German Council of Science and Humanities (WR), had already been cooperating closely with the research center’s Institutes of Radiopharmacy and Radiochemistry. They are developing molecular probes for the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases and are researching the transport of harmful substances into the geosphere.

Kunstausstellung im FZD GLÖCKNER+SCHRÖDER, 26.02.2010-31.03.2010February

Appreciation of the Arts
One of the rare exterior works of the renowned constructivist Hermann Glöckner (1889 – 1987), the Faltung (i.e. folding), is set up in the city center again and presented to the general public. It had been created in the 1980s by staff members of the Central Institute for Nuclear Research.

Cooperation Agreement Extended
The cooperation agreement with Ankara University / Turkey will be extended. The HZDR promotes the establishment of an electron accelerator (Turkish Accelerator Center) which is currently under construction in Ankara and is comparable to the radiation source ELBE.

New Project for the Long-Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants
The research center assumes the coordination of a project which is subsidized by the European Union with about 2.7 million euros and seeks to examine the aging of reactor materials during extended operating times of nuclear power plants. The objective is the preparation of new guidelines for the monitoring and supervision of aging effects. 


Workshop on Ion Beam Physics
The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research hosts the annual national Workshop Ion Beam Physics between March 29 and 31. The workshop focuses on the analysis and alteration of material surfaces with energetic particle beams.

10 Years Network of Competence in Nuclear Engineering
The HZDR partakes in the 10th anniversary celebration at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The Kompetenzzentrum Kerntechnik, a network of competence in nuclear engineering, had been established with the objective of contributing to the improved national coordination of research and development in nuclear engineering and promoting the next generation of scientists. The research center is also a member of the Kompetenzzentrum Ost für Kerntechnik, East Germany’s network of competence in nuclear engineering.

Dr. Köhler, VKTA, im Felsenkeller des VKTA, der für Forschungen von Wissenschaftlern an der TU Dresden und am FZD genutzt wirdApril

Accelerator Planned
During a workshop held at the research center, German and foreign astrophysicists discuss the scientific relevance of installing a potential subsurface particle accelerator for astrophysical experiments in Dresden’s Felsenkeller. This shallow-underground laboratory is already being used by astrophysicists as a lab and is operated by the VKTA - Nuclear Engineering and Analytics Inc

Strahlungsquelle ELBE - aufgenommen von Juergen LoeselMay

ELBE to Be Expanded
Construction work starts at the radiation source ELBE to expand it into a center for high performance radiation sources. After the reconstruction, two unique terahertz sources, a new high performance laser as well as an experiment designed to couple the ELBE electron beam with laser light will be available to interested users.

FAIR Director in Dresden
The Scientific Director of the FAIR project, Prof. Boris Sharkov, visits the HZDR. The research center participates in the preparation of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment by developing detectors for the large-scale international FAIR project. The abbreviation stands for Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, a new accelerator system for high intensity ion beams which is currently being built at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research GmbH

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2009June

Long Night of Sciences in Dresden
On the occasion of the eighth event of this kind, the research center presents itself together with the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IKTP) at the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology] under the motto “The Concentrated Energy of Particles” in the university’s Auditorium Centre. Approximately 5,000 science enthusiasts informed themselves about the HZDR’s current research activities in presentations and at booths. 

New Energy Hub
Jan Mücke, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS), hands over a symbolic check for the new construction of a combined heat and power plant which is to supply the research site with energy and heat in the future. The plant is subsidized by the BMVBS with 4.6 million euros within the scope of Economic Stimulus Package II.

Terahertz Experts Convene
The application of new terahertz sources for the examination of basic material properties is in the focus of a workshop with terahertz researchers from Europe, the USA, and Japan held on June 14 and 15. Within the scope of a EuroMagNET II meeting, they also discuss the analysis of materials with terahertz radiation in high magnetic fields.

Virtual Journey into the Realm of Accelerators
How particles are accelerated to high energies in a particle accelerator is demonstrated in a unique new computer program, the ELBE simulator. Its role model is the HZDR’s radiation source ELBE. The program was jointly developed with computer science students at the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology].

Science Summer in London
HZDR scientists introduce a model volcano at a London exhibition which they had developed together with colleagues from the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The model volcano provides information on how the type and intensity of volcanic eruptions are affected by the flows inside volcanoes. The “Summer Science Exhibition” is part of the “Festival of Science + Arts” hosted by the Royal Society, the UK’s academy of science.

New Cyclotron
A new cyclotron financed by the European Union and the Free State of Saxony is installed at the Research Site Leipzig and prepared for its commissioning in the spring of 2011. The scientists will use the radioactive nuclides produced on the circular accelerator to develop and assess radioactive probes for the investigation of brain functions.

Tag des Offenen Labors 2010July

6,000 Visitors Discover the Research Site
Within the scope of the Entdecker-Tour 2010, a discovery tour event organized by the newspaper Sächsische Zeitung, more people than ever before flock to the research center Dresden-Rossendorf for an Open Lab Day on July 4, enjoying the pleasant cool air in the labs while the outside temperatures are scorching.

Agreement on Cooperation Concluded
The HZDR and Leipzig University conclude an agreement on cooperation aimed at intensifying the cooperation in research and instruction in the future. A particular objective is to strengthen and foster the ties that exist between the Research Site Leipzig and Leipzig University.

Jugend forscht 2010August

Youth in Research
In August and September, young physics talents work once again in the research center. They had won their internships as special prizes which had been granted in diverse state contests within the youth research program “Jugend forscht.”

The HZDR welcomes twelve new apprentices on August 3. At the start of the new vocational training year, it is now possible to learn the profession of a biology lab technician and to complete a practical education in the program of studies for radiation technology which ultimately leads to the “Bachelor of Science” degree.

New Accelerator
A new 6 megavolt ion accelerator goes into test operation at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research. The new system replaces the old accelerator and provides more stable ion beams as well as higher particle flows. An additional feature is its Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) which now permits the scientists to determine the age of material samples.

IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School
About 100 international participants attend the Summer School of the Magnetics Society of the IEEE, the USA’s professional association of engineers and physicists, in Dresden. The program is jointly hosted by Dresden’s Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW) and the HZDR.

DRESDEN-concept e.V.
The partners of the research alliance DRESDEN-concept, which also includes the HZDR, establish an association. It pursues the objective of promoting science and research, the general and continued education and training of young scientists and technicians, and the exchange of scientific knowledge at the science venue Dresden. DRESDEN-concept is a network of the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology] and Dresden based non university research facilities, museums, and libraries. The alliance represents an important component of the TU Dresden’s application within the scope of the Federal Government’s Excellence Initiative. It has received substantial support from the HZDR. 

PET-MRT-Ganzkörpergerät (Foto: Frank Bierstedt)September

Radiation to Combat Cancer
September 21 marked the founding of the “National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology Dresden/Heidelberg.” It unites two research clusters which cooperate closely in the radiation research sector: On the one hand, the Dresden-based OncoRay center which is supported by the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology], the University Hospital Dresden as well as the HZDR; and, on the other hand, the Heidelberg Institute for Radiation Oncology (HIRO). OncoRay is subsidized during the second phase by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with 12 million euros.

Innovative Imaging System
Germany’s first combined PET/MRT system for full body screenings is installed at the research center. The device, which was built by the Philips corporation, is capable of delivering almost simultaneous functional and anatomical images of the body which are used in cancer research. 

PhD Seminar
Approximately 90 doctoral and diploma students participate in the PhD Seminar, which is now the fifth of its kind at the research center. The best presentation and the best poster come from PhD students at the Institute of Radiation Physics. In order to better integrate these students into the research center, representatives from all institutes join forces in a PhD students’ council in 2010. A total of about 120 doctoral candidates are employed at the HZDR.

New Guesthouse
On September 21, Saxony’s State Minister of Research, Prof. Sabine von Schorlemer, lays the cornerstone for the new guesthouse together with the Board of Directors. It is built right next to the research center.

Leipzig’s Long Night of Sciences
It is the second event of its kind, and Leipzig’s HZDR researchers at the scientific center Wissenschaftspark Permoserstrasse are happy to welcome numerous visitors. They can learn about the research site while participating in guided tours of the laboratories.

Prof. Hans Müller-SteinhagenOctober

New TU Rector Introduces Himself
The new Rector of the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology], Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen, introduces himself at the HZDR with a presentation on the DESERTEC project revolving around power supplies from deserts. He is the Head of the International Advisory Board of the Desertec Industrial Initiative, a joint venture of private enterprises which was founded with the objective of creating the prerequisites for implementing the Desertec project.

Highlights of Physics
Staff members from the Institute of Safety Research represent the HZDR at the Science Festival in Augsburg which is held between October 9 and 14. The festival attracts about 23,000 visitors under the motto “Gigawatt” during the Year of Energy.

Laser-Symposium 2010 in BerlinNovember

German-French Laser Colloquium
On November 5 and 6, young scientists from Germany and France committed to the research und utilization of laser light meet with laser research pioneers at the French Embassy in Berlin and provide an account of what has been achieved in this research field during its 50 years of history. The colloquium is organized by the French Embassy in Berlin and the Helmholtz Association. Its co-organizers are Prof. Roland Sauerbrey, HZDR, and Prof. Ludger Wöste of the Freie Universität Berlin.

The Next Generation of Magnetic Researchers
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has awarded a post-graduate program which had been applied for by Dresden scientists and seeks to advance the development of high temperature superconductors. The HZDR’s High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) also participates in this program.

Excellent Spin-Off Concept
The spin-off project SAXRAY wins Germany’s national Founders’ Contest “start2grow.” The project, which was jointly launched by the HZDR, the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology], and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg [Freiberg University of Mining and Technology], seeks to simplify X-ray analytics in materials science.

Researchers Working on Behalf of ESS
The HZDR is also very pleased about the official approval of a grant which was presented by Thomas Rachel, the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), to the Forschungszentrum Jülich: The grant permits the participation of German researchers, including scientists from Dresden, in the planned European Spallation Source (ESS). The German activities will be coordinated from Jülich.

Success for the Cancer Research Venue Dresden
Dresden is selected as the partner location of a German center for translational cancer research. The joint application consists of the University Hospital Dresden and the TU Dresden [Dresden University of Technology], the HZDR as well as the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI CBG). In the future, Germany will be home to six centers for health care research which are dedicated to the most important common diseases.

Schülerlabor DeltaX Gymnasium BrandisDecember

New School Lab
The new School Lab “Delta X” starts into its pilot phase. Initially, upper level students of college preparatory Gymnasiums will have the opportunity of conducting experiments revolving around magnetism.

Rare Resources
The HZDR and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg [Freiberg University of Mining and Technology] get the approval of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the joint establishment of a national resource technology center in the mining city of Freiberg. The goal is to establish a Helmholtz institute; the technologies researched at this institute are to make a vital contribution towards safeguarding the sustained supply of Germany’s economy with mineral and metalliferous raw materials.