
Dr. Axel Renno
Department of Analytics
Phone: +49 351 260 - 3274



1. Vortrag: 15. September 2016 - 19 Uhr | Ionen entschlüsseln steinzeitliches Elfenbein | Kulturrathhaus, Königsstraße 15, 01097 Dresden

Group Ion Beam Analysis - has been dissolved 1st of Janaury 2019

Previous head of group: Dr. Axel Renno

The applied ion beam analysis (IBA) makes use of high-energy ions for materials, structural and radionuclide analysis. Within the framework of resource analysis IBA helps developing new technologies for exploration, mining and recycling of raw materials along the value chain.

Generally, all chemical elements of the periodic table can be determined by means of IBA. However, there are numerous factors influencing which special IBA method is the "method of choice" such as

  • Concentration of the to determined element
  • Matrix and interfering elements
  • Lateral resolution (bulk, < 3 µm)
  • Depth resolution (bulk,  < 1 nm)

For further information with respect to cooperative research projects or quotations for commercial analyses, please contact Axel Renno.


Georgy Belokonov (Doktorand), Amélie Chabilan (internship - with IBC), Tamás Ditrói (DAAD student - with IBC), Sandra Dreßler (researcher), Dr. Santiago Miguel Enamorado Baez (Post-Doc), Christian Freiherr (Diplomand), Lubomir Gabriš (summer student), Dr. Andreas Gärtner (researcher - with IBC), Quentin Guelennoc (Diplomand), Max Günthner (summer student), Dr. Dominik Güttler (researcher - with IBC), Hendrik Herdler (Diplomand), Julien Huguet (master student), Victoria Kabanova (summer student), Stefan König (researcher), Madita Kudla (internship/trainee), Loic Le Bras (researcher), Alexandra Lightfoot (summer student), Roberto Llovera (researcher - with IBC), Malin Lüdicke (internship/trainee), Dr. Silke Merchel (researcher), Przemyslav Michalak (part-time PhD-student), Dr. Stefan Pavetich (PhD-student), Dr. Axel Renno (group leader), Dr. Georg Rugel (researcher), Elizaveta Samoilova (internship/trainee), Dr. Andreas Scharf (researcher - with IBC), Katharina Schraut (internship/trainee), Katharina Stock (internship/trainee - with IBC), Collin Tiessen (student/part-time PhD-student), Stephanie Uhlig (part-time research assistant), Antonia Weber (internship/trainee), Hannes Wenzel (internship/trainee), Haosheng Wu (Diplomand), Renè Ziegenrücker (engineer)

News archive

  • "Historical" milestones of our large-scale facility research
January 2019 - Due to an HZDR restructering activity the majority of members of the group Ion Beam Analysis are now part of the new departement "Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Research" at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research.

November 2017 - The ECHo (Electron Capture in Holmium Experiment) team performs experiments at DREAMS.

Development of AMS at DREAMS for experimental determination of the ratio 163Ho/166mHo in ECHo samples. The long-lived 166mHo (t1/2=1200 a) is an unwanted by-product of the 163Ho (t1/2=4570 a) production, which is reduced to ultra-low levels (~10-9) after sophisticated mass separation. For a background-free measurement of the 163Ho spectrum in the ECHo metallic magnetic calorimeters the absence of 166mHo is critical. 

f.l.t.r.: Felix Wiescher (JGU Mainz), Oliver Forstner (FSU Jena & HI Jena), Christoph Düllmann (GSI Darmstadt, JGU Mainz, HI Mainz), Holger Dorrer (JGU Mainz), Klaus Wendt (JGU Mainz), Silke Merchel & Georg Rugel (HZDR, HI Freiberg) and Tom Kieck (JGU Mainz).


September 2017 - Congratulations to Haosheng Wu, who received an award for best poster at the 21st International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), Kraków, Poland.

More information here.

Haosheng Wu (crop)

June 2017 - DREAMS user Lisa Luna (U Potsam; now: NewClimate Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability, Berlin) receives the graduation award (1.000 Euro) of the university of Potsdam 2017. She graduated in geosciences with her MSc work "A glacial chronology and cosmogenic nuclide cross calibration from the central southern Andean Plateau (Puna, 24°S)“. The university of Potsdam gives this yearly award to persons who show a high potential for scienctific work and further qualification. The work was performed under the supervision of Bodo Bookhagen, Institute of Earth and Environmental Science. Further information (in German only) can be found here: "Alumni des Monats 06/2017 - Lisa Luna ".

Lisa LUNA, U Potsdam

May 2017 - "Self-praise? - Never mind!"

The HZDR Research Award 2016 goes to
Silke Merchel and Georg Rugel for "The application and improvement of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)"

(c) HZDR/André Wirsig

HZDR awards ceremony 2016 (from left to right): Dr. André Bieberle, Dr. Björn Drobot, Uwe Eisold, Dr. Georg Rugel, Michael Wagner, Dr. Silke Merchel, Dr. Thomas Ziegenhein, Prof. Martina Havenith, Prof. Roland Sauerbrey, Dr. Guido Juckeland, Dr. Siegmar Lieber, Tobias Frust.

January 2017 - Meeting of project partners for BMBF-Förderung „Erforschung kondensierter Materie“ - Entwicklung einer effizienten Hochstromionenquelle für Untersuchungen von Mikrometeoriten mit Beschleunigermassenspektrometrie (Project part 1 (U Göttingen); Project part 2 (TU Berlin) at the Ion Beam Centre (IBC)

f.l.t.r.: Andreas Scharf (IBC, HZDR), Jenny Feige (TU Berlin), Hans Hofsäß & Felipe Bregolin (U Göttingen), Silke Merchel & Georg Rugel (HIF, HZDR), Andreas Gärtner (Senckenberg Dresden).

BMBF Verbundprojekt

Dezember 2016 - Treasure in ice core waste: Elsevier promotes our Open-Access-Paper in Results in Physics by making it a "Highlight".
Original publication (Microarticle): L. Zipf, S. Merchel, P. Bohleber, G. Rugel, A. Scharf, Exploring ice core drilling chips from a cold Alpine glacier for cosmogenic radionuclide (10Be) analysis, Results in Physics 6 (2016) 78-79.

Elsevier Highlight 2016

October 2016 - "Self-praise? - Never mind!" We are really proud about our second place in the poster competition at the "Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege" meeting in Göttingen for our German poster "Bestimmung langlebiger Radionuklide mittels Beschleunigermassenspektrometrie (AMS) für archäometrische Fragestellungen".

Posterpreis 2016

August 2016 - The first PNAS paper with DREAMS-data is published:

P. Ludwig, S. Bishop, R. Egli, V. Chernenko, B. Deneva, T. Faestermann, N. Famulok, L. Fimiani, J.M. Gómez-Guzmán, K. Hain, G. Korschinek, M. Hanzlik, S. Merchel, G. Rugel, Time-Resolved Two Million Year Old Supernova Activity Discovered in the Earth's Microfossil Record, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 113 (2016) 9232–9237.

More information can be found in the common press release "Discovery of a time-resolved supernova signal in Earth’s microfossils".


 kompilation supernova erde TEM Tandem

April 2016 - Size does matter! ;-)

Succesful sampling of big boulders from a rock fall in Namibia.

 Rock fall Namibia

April 2016 - The first Nature paper with DREAMS-data is published:

A. Wallner, J. Feige, N. Kinoshita, M. Paul, L.K. Fifield, R. Golser, M. Honda, U. Linnemann, H. Matsuzaki, S. Merchel, G. Rugel, S.G. Tims, P. Steier, T. Yamagata, S.R. Winkler, Recent near-Earth supernovae probed by global deposition of interstellar radioactive 60Fe, Nature 532 (2016) 69-72.
A.L. Melott has been so excited about our research results and of those of our colleagues  Breitschwerdt et al. that he decided to summarize both Nature papers in his publication "Stellar astrophysics: Supernovae in the neighbourhood". Or as we say here: A supernova seldom comes alone.

You can read more on this in the press release.

 Beispiel für die expandierenden Überreste einer Supernova: Keplers Supernova explodierte in 13.000 Lichtjahren Entfernung im Sternbild Schlangenträger (Ophiuchus). Sternengucker wie der berühmte Astronom Johannes Kepler konnten sie schon vor 400 Jahren beobachten.

©-Foto: NASA, ESA, R. Sankrit and W. Blair (Johns Hopkins University) / CC BY 3.0.

December 2015 - The first Science paper with DREAMS-data is published:

W. Schwanghart, A. Bernhardt, A. Stolle, P. Hoelzmann, B.R. Adhikari, C. Andermann,
S. Tofelde, S. Merchel, G. Rugel, M. Fort, O. Korup, Repeated catastrophic valley infill following medieval earthquakes in the Nepal Himalaya, Science Express.

A press conference at the AGU Fall meeting introduced our paper and the one of Kargel et al. (Science Express) to the public. Instant notice was taken e.g. by Nature News.

Thanks to our coauthors for sampling this big guy and trusting DREAMS to determine a 10Be exposure age as low as 330 years!

 Bhim Kali boulder on top of sediment deposits near Pokhara in Nepal.

©-Foto: C. Andermann, GFZ.

October 2015 - DREAMS-User Dr. Jenny Feige (VERA, U Vienna; now TU Berlin) receives the "Klaus Tschira Preis für verständliche Wissenschaft" for her German paper "Astronomie unter dem Meer" (astronomy under the sea).

©-Foto: S. Pavetich.



October 2015 - Stefan Pavetich succesfully defends his PhD thesis "Determination of non-routine radionuclides by medium-energy accelerator mass spectrometry" at the TU Dresden - Congratulations, Dr. Pavetich! And best wishes for your Post-Doc at the ANU!

Dissertation Stefan Pavetich

September 2015 - DREAMS-User Dr. Jenny Feige (VERA, U Vienna; now TU Berlin) receives the dissertation award of the division nuclear chemistry of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) for her work "Supernova-Produced Radionuclides in Deep-Sea Sediments Measured with AMS“. Prof. Christoph Düllmann hands the award over.

Jenny Feige Dissertation Award

July 2015 - Team "Ion beam Analytics" brings light to the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" (Researchers’ Night)...

(c) Stephan Floss, Jana Grämer, Tina Schulz

 FWGA-I auf der langen Nacht der Wissenschaften

June 2015 - Team building activity in  "Saxon Switzerland" (with guest from Switzerland and IBC-colleague)

Team building activity 2015

January 2015 - Georg Rugel publishes with colleagues from Canberra, Wien, Garching, Jerusalem and Darmstadt in Nature Communications about "Abundance of live 244Pu in deep-sea reservoirs on Earth points to rarity of actinide nucleosynthesis"


Paper Wallner et al. 2015

January 2015 - Our DFG-project "Evolution of the western Namibian drainage systems since Eocene times – a multi-methodical approach" together with Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden starts with taking samples in Namibia. ©-Foto: Mandy Hofmann.

Fieldwork in Namibia

November/December 2014 - Knowledge-transfer:  ANSTO- and VERA-colleagues Mike Hotchkis (2. from left), Peter Steier (2. from right) and Stephan Winkler (right) help us to develop actinides-AMS at DREAMS.

 ANSTO and VERA colleagues at DREAMS

October 2014 - The HIAF scientists Anton Wallner (left) and Michaela Fröhlich (right) from the ANU in Canberra (DAAD project AUGEAS) help us again to perform  heavy element mass spectrometry experiments and meet members of the User Selection Panel (Gunther Korschinek, TUM (middle) of the ion beam centre.

 Anton Wallner (ANU), Gunther Korschinek (TUM) and Michaela Fröhlich (ANU) at DREAMS

September 2014 - Our trainee, Malin Lüdicke (TU Dresden), learned how to do 10Be sample preparation, but also re-designed DREAMS.

Malin Lüdicke and DREAMS

August 2014 - Our first HIF summer student - Victoria Kabanova - investigates the homogeneity of the proton beam for HS-PIXE .

René Ziegenrücker (links) & Victoria Kabanova
July 2014 - Report (in German) about the Super-SIMS in the HZDR-Forschungsmagazin "entdeckt" - Ionen auf der Überholspur (picture by Oliver Killig). Super-SIMS Haus (Bild: Oliver Killig)
Mai 2014 - Hundreds of visitors took the chance at the Tag des offenen Labors (Open day) to go on a guided tour led by the ion beam analytics group of HIF. Führung zum Tag des offenen Labors:

Mai 2014 - Visitors of the "Bilateral German-Russian Workshop on joint research activities in the field of mineral deposits" at the 3 MV accelerator. Participants from the Siberian Federal University at Krasnoyarsk, the Toms Polytechnical University, the Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch) at Novosibirsk and the company Germanium OJSC at Krasnoyarsk.

 Besucher des German-Russian Workshop

April 2014 - Our paper about the didicated ion source for volatiles is published.

S. Pavetich, S. Akhmadaliev, M. Arnold, G. Aumaître, D. Bourlès, J. Buchriegler, R. Golser, K. Keddadouche, M. Martschini, S. Merchel, G. Rugel, P. Steier, Interlaboratory study of the ion source memory effect in 36Cl accelerator mass spectrometry, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 329 (2014) 22–29.

 Paper Pavetich et al.

April 2014 - Our review paper reaches "Number One" of "Most accessed papers throughout 2013" of Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research (GGR). Our paper has achieved the highest download statistics (currently > 1400) ever for GGR.

M. Wiedenbeck, R. Bugoi, M.J.M. Duke, T. Dunai, J. Enzweiler, M. Horan, K.P. Jochum, K. Linge, J. Košler, S. Merchel, L. Morales, L. Nasdala, R. Stalder, P. Sylvester, U. Weis, A. Zoubir, Critical Review of Analytical Developments since 2010, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 36 (2012) 337-398.

 Paper Wiedenbeck et al.
February 2014 -  As the Super-SIMS-source has now its own "home", the installation starts by adjusting its height to the accelerator. Richtige Höhe SIMS
December 2013 - Arrival of the CAMECA IMS 7f-Auto - our new ion source for the project. Ankunft Super-SIMS-Quelle

October 2013 - Our High-Speed PIXE system runs routineously. To celebrate this, we have invited human beings and minerals to visit the "chemical photo studio".

Opening HS-PIXE
September 2013 - We perform our first heavy element mass spectrometry experiments together with HIAF-scientists from Canberra (DAAD-project AUGEAS) at DREAMS. ANU @ HZDR
September 2013 - We are proud to annouce that René has received a poster award! He presented our poster entitled "High-Speed PIXE – schnelle Multielementanalyse mit Ionenstrahlen" (R. Ziegenrücker, J. Buchriegler, D. Hanf, J. Gutzmer, S. Ihle, S. Merchel, F. Munnik, A.D. Renno, G. Rugel, O. Scharf) at the annual meeting of the nuclear chemistry division, which took place at Darmstadt as part of the GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum. Poster award Darmstadt
August 2013 - "First stone laying" of the Super-SIMS House-in-House. Grundstein Super-SIMS Haus-in-Haus
13th-24th May 2013 - DREAMS scientists "learn" heavy element mass spectrometry at the HIAF @ ANU, Canberra (DAAD project AUGEAS). DREAMS @ ANU
18th December 2012 - First "element picture" taken at the HS-PIXE-Beamline. First HS-PIXE
November 2012 -First PIGE measurements at the in the framework of a SPIRIT project of Monika Nowak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, PL) and Frans Munnik (IBC). Monika Nowak, AMU
October 2012 - The High-Speed-PIXE is slowly taking shape. HS-PIXE-Kammer
September 2012 - The HIF trainees within the TU Dresden project "Lehrer studiert Unternehmen" (Lisa Michel und Rebecca Schmidt) are preparing AMS samples from manganese nodules. Lisa Michel und Rebecca Schmidt
September 2012 - The DFG supports our bilateral Networking (FRALAMS) with ASTER, Aix-en-Provence, France: Maurice Arnold @ DREAMS. Maurice Arnold
28th August 2012 - Installation of the 6.4 tons heavy Gabbro plate for Super-SIMS experiment. Gabbro Super-SIMS
August 2012 - First HIF trainee in the IBA group: Dominique Brising (TUBAF). Dominique Brising
9th May 2012 - Arrival of Super-SIMS ion source. Super-SIMS-Quelle Ankunft
March 2012 - First HIF trainee within the TU Dresden project "Lehrer studiert Unternehmen": Andreas Rieseler  
  • PR

Media Information 14.10.2013:
Minerals and Ores in a Chemical Photo Lab:
Unique Colour X-Ray Camera for the Analysis of Elements Ready for Operation

Die Röntgenfarbkamera High-Speed-PIXE des Helmholtz-Instituts Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie am HZDR
Nanowerk News
Nanotechnology Research and General News10.05.2012
Tons of equipment for nanograms of science

Press release 09.05.2012:
Tons of equipment for nanograms of science
(Photo (c) Elisabeth Gantz, Potsdam)

Das Sekundärionenmassenspektrometer (SIMS) des Deutschen GeoForschungsZentrums GFZ zieht von Potsdam nach Dresden um.