
Ulrich Kentsch

Head Implanter
Phone: +49 351 260 3345

40 kV Ion Implanter

The 40 kV ion implanter at the IBC. Supplier: Danfysik A/S, Denmark, Model 1050
Ion source: Chordis,
gaseous and solid source feed
Energy range: 50 eV - 40 keV (for singly charged ions)
Scanning principle: Twofold electrostatic
Implantation chambers: 1

A detailed description of the implantation chamber at the 40 kV ion implanter can be found here.

The implantation chamber at the 40 kV ion implanter

Der 40 kV Ionenimplanter im Ionenstrahlzentrum Substrates: up to 6" wafers
Substrate size: 0.3 x 0.3 cm2 to 6" wafers
Implantation area: max. 150 x 150 mm
Implantation angle: 0° and 7°, other angles upon request
Substrate temperature: Nitrogen cooling for 2" wafers,
up to 800 °C for 1 x 1 cm2 samples
Fluence range: 1012 to 1017 cm-2 (higher fluences on request)