
Ulrich Kentsch

Head Implanter
Phone: +49 351 260 3345

500 kV Ion Implanter

The 500 kV ion implanter at the IBC. Supplier: High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V., Model B8385
Ion source: IHC Bernas, gaseous and solid source feed
Energy range: 15 - 500 keV (for singly charged ions)
Scanning principle: Twofold electrostatic
Implantation chambers: 2

The implantation chambers at the 500 kV ion implanter


Chamber 1

Chamber 1 at the 500 kV implanter Substrates: Wafers or smaller samples
Substrate size: 2" to 6" wafers or smaller samples
Implantation area: max. 125 x 125 mm2
Implantation angle:
Substrate temperature: water cooling, no active heating
Fluence range: 5e10 to 1e17 cm-2 (higher fluences on request)

Chamber 2

Chamber 2 at the 500 kV implanter Substrates: up to Ø 50 mm
Substrate size: 2" Wafers or smaller samples
Implantation area: max. 50 x 50 mm2
Implantation angle:
Substrate temperature: up to 900 °C for 2 x 2 cm2,
up to 800 °C for up to 3" samples,
LN2-cooling: -150 °C for up to 3" samples
Fluence range: 5e10 to 1e17 cm-2 (higher fluences on request)