Magazines and Reports
HZDR Research Magazine "discovered"
The research magazine of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
"Discovered" is the English-language edition of our research magazine; it is ususally published once a year. The magazine's German-language edition "entdeckt" is published biannually. Each new issue of this easy-to-read magazine has a major focus, be it magnetic fields and forces, nuclear safety research, the DRESDEN-concept research alliance or cancer research. The magazine keeps you informed about research at the HZDR, new staff members or work groups as well as interesting events.
Link to all issues that have been published yet
The in-house paper of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Our German-language in-house paper focuses on topics that are of importance for our employees and everyone interested in the HZDR. From new research project through recent news about recruitments to scientific workshops or conferences – the Insider always keeps our more than 1000 employees up to date.
Link to all issues that have been published yet
Annual Reports
Online annual reports and digital versions of older reports
What happened at the HZDR research center in the past years? Since 2007, we have put together short summaries with the most important events, research highlights and developments on the Internet. Annual reports published before are available as PDF.
Link to all annual reports that are available
The newsletter of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL)
In this English-language newsletter that is published every three months you get to know everything about Europes strongest magnets at the four EMFL sites in Dresden, Grenoble, Toulouse and Nijmegen. "EMFL News" is directed at EMFL users and scientist with similar research focuses.
Link to all issues of the newsletter on the EMFL website
Helmholtz Perspektiven
The magazine of the Helmholtz Association
With this German-language magazine the Helmholtz Association wants to give you an insight into the newest findings from the Helmholtz research and introduce you to the scientists behind the projects. The magazine also highlights research policy developments and discuss controversial topics in science, politics and education. The Helmholtz Perpektiven come out every two months.
Link to all issues of the magazine on the website of the Helmholtz Association
Helmholtz Monthly
Newsletter of the Helmholtz Association
Link to the current issue of the Newsletter on the website of the Helmholtz Association