Brochures and Flyers
On this page brochures, booklets and flyers informing about the HZDR are available. Hardcopies can be ordered via email to
In our publication database we provide all of our scientific and technical publications:
Link to the HZDR Publication Database
The Helmholtz Association also offers a selection of publications on the work and research findings of the 19 Helmholtz Centers. You may download these publications or order printed versions on the website of the Helmholtz Association.
General information
Journey to the Heart of Knowledge
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf strives to find answers to the major challenges of our times. Our values encompass team spirit, respect and responsibility. As a member of the Helmholtz Association with excellent collaborative partners in science and business we help to future-proof Germany and Europe. Our approach: application-based fundamental research in matter, health and energy.
Ideas at Work
With this brochure we would like to introduce our technolgoy and knowledge transfer activities to you.
Site Plan of the HZDR Main Campus
With the HZDR site measuring about 1.8 square kilometers this site plan is a useful tool to navigate on our campus.
Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) at HZDR
The HIF is an HZDR Institute in Freiberg and Dresden that was founded in 2011. This institute collaborates closely with the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
Link to further HIF publication material
HIF Brochure
The Future is Circular!
Information for scientists and external users
IBC – Ion Beam Center
This folder offers detailed information for external users about HZDR's large-scale facility "IBC".
ELBE – Center for High-Power Radiation Sources
This flyer offers detailed information for external users about HZDR's large user facility "ELBE".
The strongest magnets in Europe
The European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) provides the highest possible fields (both continuous and pulsed) in Europe. In a truly European spirit, the three major high-magnetic-field laboratories in Europe work together as a single organization: Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory at HZDR, High Field Magnet Laboratory in Nijmegen and the Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI) in Toulouse and Grenoble.
Four times a year the EMFL partners publish an own newsletter:
Link to the "EMFL News"
Once a year, an annual report is released:
Link to the EMFL Annual Report (PDF)
Fields for Science
This flyer offers essential information for EMFL users and other interested scientists.
Magnificent Magnets
In this brochure the research at the EMFL is explained in layperson's terms.
(PDF in English on the EMFL webpage, 3 MB)
Information for employees
Flyer HZDR-Spin-off initiative
HZDR-Spin-off initiative - Scientist today Entrepreneur tomorrow
The Department of Technology Transfer and Innovation supports you step by step on the way to the founding of a company.
(PDF in English, 1 MB)
Flyer Alumni Network
Alumni Network
Become a member of our Alumni Network and stay in touch with us.
(PDF in English, 123 kB)
Further information on the HZDR (in German):
Forschung und Familie in Einklang bringen
Statusbericht 2016: Energiemanagement und -controlling am HZDR
Authors: S. Blaser, P. Joehnk, D. Reichelt
Green Campus
(PDF, 6 MB or as an ePaper)
For young researchers:
(PDF, 485 kB)
Science ist Meins. Ausbildung & Studium
(PDF, 750 kB)