Fundamental phenomena in multiphase flows
The development and validation of computational fluid dynamics tools require experimental data with high spatial and temporal resolution. Therefore we conduct experimental studies on fundamental flow phenomena in our thermal hydraulic test facilities TOPFLOW and TOPFLOW+.
Gas liquid flows in vertical pipes
Simulation programs for one- and three-dimensional flows provide good results for single-phase flows. But in two-phase flows and in complex geometries the quality of flow prediction is often insufficient. This can be improved by measurements in high temporal and spatial resolution.
Two-phase flow around obstacles
This project deals with high-resolution visualization of co-current two-phase flows in upward vertical pipe flows with an orifice. For the experiments ultrafast X-ray tomography is applied as imaging technique.
Stratified two-phase flows
The investigation of tratified two-phase flows is very important for the evaluation of the mass- and energy transfer in technical devices and units. For instance the size of the interfacial area influences the reaction rate in chemical reactors considerably.
Core thermal hydraulics, wall boiling and critical heat flux
Together with the other project partners the transient process from nucleate boiling to film boiling is studied both by means of experimental and numerical tools. Numerical method development includes the modelling of the development of gas fraction, bubble size and distribution and heat transfer in the Euler-Euler two-phase framework near or at CHF.
Deposition and resuspension of nuclear aerosol particles in turbulent flows
The transport, deposition and resuspension behaviour of carbonaceous dust in the primary circuit of a High Temperature Reactors (HTR) is a fundamental safety issue for the development and safety assessment of such a reactor.
Investigation of binary granular mixing in a rotating drum
The mixing of two granular species is central to a variety of industrial processes. Notable examples include the mixing of dry granular products in the pharmaceutical, chemical and food processing industry using apparatuses such as mixing drums.
Particle remobilization in urban systems
Aeroallergens, such as those derived from pollen grains, are known to trigger asthma epidemics. Outbreaks are highly seasonal and their frequency increases in summer. During prolonged urban heat wave, a significant portion of the pollen deposits on urban surfaces.
Air cleaning technologies for pathogen inactivation and bioaerosols spread
Airborne transmission of pathogens became known to a wider public in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently required applications in hospitals as well as preparedness for future global threats demand the development of efficient air cleaning technologies for separating and inactivating pathogenic aerosol particles.