
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Uwe Hampel

Director Institute of Fluid Dynamics
Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics
Phone: +49 351 260 2772

Development of multiphase measurement instrumentation

We develop own sensors and measurement techniques for process and flow diagnostics with highest spatial and temporal resolution. A focus of our work is on multiphase imaging techniques.

Foto: needle probes - reference picture ©Copyright: Eckhard Schleicher

Needle Probes

Such probes allow the investigation of multiphase flows with liquid and gaseous phase componen­ts with a high temporal resolution.
Foto: Mesh sensors - reference picture ©Copyright: Eckhard Schleicher

Wire-mesh sensors

Wire-mesh sensors belong to flow imaging techniques and allow the investigation of multiphase flows with high spatial and temporal resolution. The wire-mesh sensor principle is based on a matrix-like arrangement of the measuring points.
Foto: Rofex - Video - Titelbild ©Copyright: Dr. Frank Barthel

Ultrafast electron beam X-ray computed ­tomo­graphy (ROFEX)

The high-performance ROFEX (ROssendorf Fast Electron beam X-ray ­tomo­graphy)imaging technique has been developed at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf for the noninvasive investigation of dynamic processes.
Foto: Centrifugal pumps - reference picture ©Copyright: Dr. André Bieberle

Gamma-ray computed ­tomo­graphy

Gamma ray ­tomo­graphy is well suited to determination of phase fraction distributions in heavy and dense industrial devices and machines. For that the HZDR developed and operate a high resolution and transportable gamma-ray computed ­tomo­graphy scanner.
Foto: X-ray- and micro-focus X-ray-computed tomography - reference picture ©Copyright: Dr. Stephan Boden

X-ray- and micro-focus X-ray-computed ­tomo­graphy

In the frame of research in thermal fluid dynamics we use X-ray radiography and ­tomo­graphy techniques for the measurement of gas and liquid hold-up in chemical vessels and experimental flow loops.
Foto: Optical tomography - reference picture ©Copyright: Eckhard Schleicher

Optical Tomography

Optical ­tomo­graphy is currently being tested for imaging of gas-water flows at low gas fractions. With this technique it is possible to generate cross-sectional images of the temporal and time-integral gas distribution within a plane of a vessel or pipe.
Foto: Autonomous Sensor Concepts - reference picture ©Copyright: Dr. Sebastian Reinecke

Autonomous Sensor Concepts

The acquisition of spatially distributed ­para­meters in large vessels is problematic, as sensor mounting or cable connections are not feasible or desired. The concept of instrumented flow followers helps to fetch spatially distributed process ­para­meters in chemically and mechanically harsh environments of agitated industrial vessels.
Foto: Prozessmikroskop - Referenzbild ©Copyright: Christoph Schunk

Process microscope

The process microscope was developed for the analysis of gas bubbles and particles in process fluids. It works according to the optical shadowgraphy principle and consists of a camera unit and an illumination unit. Very short exposure times offer sharp images even at high flow rates.
Foto: Magneto-hydrodynamics: Steel Casting Using Magnetic Fields (Picture: AIFilm) ©Copyright: AI Films

Contactless Inductive Flow Tomography (CIFT)

This measuring method was developed in 2004 at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and enables the reconstruction of global melt flows in containers. It can, for example, be used in continuous steel casting or crystal growth.