Presentation Guide
Oral presentations
Allocated time (including discussion) for each talk is:
- 45 minutes for plenary talks
- 30 minutes for invited progress reports
- 20 minutes for selected oral contributions
Please reserve ample time (at least 5 minutes) for the discussions. Chairpersons will be asked to limit your speaking time rather than the discussion time.
We will provide a digital projector connected to a laptop running MS Windows 7. MS Office 2010 and Adobe Acrobat are available for presentations. The presentation files can be transferred to this PC via USB memory stick. In case you wish to use your own laptop a video switch (VGA or DVI cable) will be available. Any adaptors for connecting your personal laptop to the switch must be provided by the speaker. Presentations have to be uploaded, respectively laptops connected and tested, well before the scheduled session, at the latest in the break before the session.
Poster presentations
The poster boards admit posters of A0 size (841 mm x 1189 mm) in portrait format. Authors are kindly requested to stand in front of their posters for discussion with interested participants during the poster session. The poster session will be preceded by a "Poster Introduction Session" during which the authors are asked orally present highlights of their work as a "2 minute commercial". Each presenter of a poster should therefore prepare a very short presentation. This is not intended to be a complete talk in 2 minutes, but rather an opportunity to attract other participants to your poster. If presentation slides are used during the “commercial”, the file must be uploaded to the presentation PC before the session starts. The use of personal computers is not possible in the poster introduction session.