Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics

The Division Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics conducts experimental analyses of multiphase flows with heat and mass transfer. We contribute to an improved

  • understanding and efficiency of industrial processes,
  • energy efficiency of thermal processes,
  • understanding and predictability of accident sequences in nuclear safety research.


aerosol particles, bubble columns, centrifugal pump, CHF, corrosion, DELTA reactor, distillation trays, flow obstacles, froth flotation, heat exchanger, Life Cycle Assessment, micro reactor, multi-phase reactors, multiphase measurements, non-invasive, PTS, reflux condenser, spent fuel pool, stratified flows, thermal separation, vertical flow, waste water treatment


Foto: Delta - Reaktorinneres ©Copyright: Dr. Stefan Fogel

Energy and resource efficient processes

Energy-intensive industrial processes can be made more efficient via process intensification. For this purpose, a fundamental cross-scale process understanding is just as important as the development and application of modern simulation tools and measurement methods.
Foto: Topflow Drucktank Portal ©Copyright: HZDR/Rainer Weisflog

Nuclear reactor safety

Our experimental work is focused on fundamental contributions to the assessment of accident scenarios in nuclear power plants, the analyses of core thermal hydraulics and passive safety systems and development of methods for monitoring of nuclear reactors and waste storage facilities.
Foto: Topflow Drucktank vorn Portal ©Copyright: HZDR/Rainer Weisflog

Fundamental phenomena in multiphase flows

The development of models and the validation of numerical calculation methods for multiphase flow processes require experimental data with high spatial and temporal resolution. Experimental studies are carried out by our department at the pilot plants TOPFLOW and TOPFLOW+.
Foto: Gittersensor Portal ©Copyright: HZDR

Development of multiphase measurement instrumentation

The development and validation of computational fluid dynamics models and codes require experimental data with high spatial and temporal resolution. Such valueable data can be obtained by suitable experimental studies at our thermal hydraulic test facilities TOPFLOW and TOPFLOW+.